Instance Properties

  • Hi,

    Just a question regarding instance properties.

    If we restore a backup to a new server/instance, I guess we need to create the instance with the exact properties of the existing instance (eg, collation sequence, etc).  What is the best way to dump these instance properties so that we can restore a database on a different instance with the same instance properties.  (I hope this makes sense!).





  • thanks, I was aware of that one, but I was asking more of what other things I need to consider.  What server properties to other people take note of when installing a new instance based on an existing instance?

  • Based on my experiences, the service pack and hot fix may affect your recovery, in particular, when you recover a system database.

  • Hi friends,

    Here are some doubts regarding the Instances in SQL Server.

    1) Is there any effect to the processor (or) existing application performnce if a new instance was created on a machine.

    2) I am having a scenerio as follows: There are two servers like DEV and PRODUCTION. I need to move a DB from DEV to PROD , for this i am going to create a another instance on the PROD server. Suppose if my DB name on DEV is same as one of the DB present on the PROD, is it causes any conflict at the time of restoring a DB.

    Thakns in advance,

    Venu Gopal.K
    Software Engineer

  • what about virtualization ? you can do simple P2V (physilcal to virtual) you will get EXECTLY same machine. It is a very good solution for testing and so on..

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