Time held within Table

  • Hello, I have a table in a SQL2000 SP4 DB based in singapore. The time and zone setting on the OS are as expected ie 8 hours ahead of UK time.  so when I do select getdate() I get the time 8hours ahead of GMT and when I do a select getutcdate() I get the GMT time as it is now.  All of this is expected. 

    However when I use an account to run a query on this database (the accounts language is british english), whether it is remotely or via a scheduled job, or even by remoting onto the server I get dates\times returned with the time as at GMT time not local server time ie 8 hours ahead.  There is no conversion of the date based column in these queries, just a select * from xxxx

    The data is populated by an application but I'm told that there is no config to change the time zone on it.

    So why is it showing GMT time and not local time???  Is there something I need to change in SQL or set up the account differently. I thought that although there are a number of factors that contribute to how a date is formatted ie locale, user language I didnt think the actual time zone could be displayed differently.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

  • Can u check the time zone setting in the operating system of the computer on which SQL Server is running...

    this could help you


    Thank You


    Thanks ,


  • You say the data is "..populated by an application.." so it probably has nothing to do with clock settings or account / locale issues at the SQL server.

    It would seem it's your application which is storing GMT, so where is it hosted from?  Is it, perhaps, "standardising" the date/time to what is, after all, an arbitrary "fixed" zone?   I have seen that done so that an application which stores (say) a transaction date needed to provide a sequence doesn't get mucked around by input from different timezones or confused by daylight saving time changes. 

  • Thanks for you input.  The app provider doesnt think its anything built into the app, but theyre going to take this up a level and investigate further.

    The time zone on the local server is local time ie Singapore +8 on GMT.  All the time setting look fine and when I do a getdate the local time is displayed.

    If there are any more suggestions all input is welcome!!




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