In cluster setup, Steps are needed to promote the secondary to primary server failure

  • If the primary master server become permanently unavailable, following a hardware failure for example, what could steps to promote the secondary master to the role of primary master.

    The Secondary server is a updateable subscriber and there are other servers also in the cluster with read-only subscription.

    As per my tests if primary goes down, we can create new publication on secondary and create its subscriptions.everything should work fine after that.

    if primary comes up in any case that can create problem in new cluster so we should take care in this regard

    please let me know if something is missing here.

    The replication is Transactional Replication

  • By 'cluster' do you mean a "SQL Cluster", or are you just running sql servers in a NT cluster? If an NT cluster, do you split your client traffic 50/50 to both servers? is there a particular reason why you went with an updateable subscriber rather than bi-directional replication? Perhaps it is easier to setup, I'm not sure.

    We run bi-directional replication in our cluster because logically all of our servers are "master", there is no primary. With this layout it is (relatively) straightforward to bring a machine in/out of the topology.

  • it is a sql server cluster and in our setup we have one primary- one updateable subscriber(secondary ) and other servers are read-only subscibers( one directional). Updates happens on primary only and on secondary if primary is down. reads happens on all the servers.

    That is reason we have this kind of setup. 

    your setup looks nice and sure it is easier to bring a machine in/out.

    in our setup do you have any suggestions?


  • when our cluster failed over, the other node picked up that instance. the sql binaries are installed on a shared SAN drive in a cluster so when the other physical node picks it up, it's the same server and no need to mess with anything

  • for information,in our setup we have one primary- one updateable subscriber(secondary ) and other servers are read-only subscibers( one directional). Updates happens on primary only and on secondary if primary is down. reads happens on all the servers.

    That is the reason why we need to upgade secondary if primary goes down.

  • excuse me for one information. The cluster is NT cluster and we are using sql servers to replicate the data

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