How do you do a recursive thread on parent/child information

  • I've got a scenario where I need to recurse through parent/child relationships in a table to get all records under a selected group, but I'm not sure how to do it. here's the scenario:

    Table X

    Group A

    Group B

    Group C




    Group D




    So if I select Group B, I need to recurse and get all Groups and Agents under and including Group B.

    So this is a single table, with a GUID_ID and PARENT_GUID_ID. What is the method to recurse the table?

    Any help is appreciated.


  • Here is a simple solution based on information given.  Doesn't work if more than one level deep.

    --Build our test data

    if object_id('tempdb..#temp_') is not null drop table #temp_

    create table #Temp_ (guid_id INT,parent_guid_id int, text_ varchar(10))

    insert into #temp_ (guid_id,parent_guid_id,text_)

    select 1,0,'Group A' union all

    select 2,0,'Group B' union all

    select 3,0,'Group C' union all

    select 4,3,'Agent 1' union all

    select 5,3,'Agent 2' union all

    select 6,3,'Agent 3' union all

    select 7,0,'Group D' union all

    select 8,7,'Agent 4' union all

    select 9,7,'Agent 5' union all

    select 10,7,'Agent 6' union all

    select 11,10,'Sub-Agent'


    select *

       from #temp_

       where text_ = 'Group D'

    union all

    select b.*

       from #temp_ a join #temp_ b on (a.guid_id = b.parent_guid_id)

       where a.text_ = 'Group D'




  • This solution uses a Common Table Expression (CTE) and it will find all related no matter how deep, though I can't figure out how to make it work using the external "where" clause versus putting the criteria in the anchor query of the CTE (just not very satisfying, though it will work)

    --Build our test data

    if object_id('tempdb..#temp_') is not null drop table #temp_

    create table #Temp_ (guid_id INT,parent_guid_id int, text_ varchar(10))

    insert into #temp_ (guid_id,parent_guid_id,text_)

    select 1,0,'Group A' union all

    select 2,0,'Group B' union all

    select 3,0,'Group C' union all

    select 4,3,'Agent 1' union all

    select 5,3,'Agent 2' union all

    select 6,3,'Agent 3' union all

    select 7,0,'Group D' union all

    select 8,7,'Agent 4' union all

    select 9,7,'Agent 5' union all

    select 10,7,'Agent 6' union all

    select 11,10,'Sub-Agent'

    --Solution with CTE

    with child_(guid_id, parent_guid_id, text_, level_) as

       (select guid_id, parent_guid_id, text_, 0 as level_

          from #temp_

          where parent_guid_id = 0

            and text_ = 'group d'

        union all

        select t.guid_id, t.parent_guid_id, t.text_, level_ + 1

          from child_ c inner join #temp_ t on (t.parent_guid_id = c.guid_id)


    select * from child_ order by guid_id



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