September 27, 2002 at 6:07 am
I repeatedly have a need to do something that falls into a general category of query that doesn't seem to exist. Or does it. Maybe you can tell me how.
The problem is I want a query that is a join or similar that results in a sorted list which has groups within it. I want to return the top X of each group, not of the entire list.
To illustrate using Northwind database in an overly simplified fashion, what I want might be expressed as
select SupplierID, ProductID, ProductName
from Products
group by SupplierID showing top 3 each group
order by SupplierID, ProductID, UnitPrice desc
The hypothetical intent is to show the top 3 products (by price), in overall order of product ID, within each supplier
Clearly there's no such syntax. I've occasionally done it like this:
select SupplierID,
(Select top 1 ProductID
from Products p
where s.SupplierID=p.SupplierID
order by UnitPrice desc) as ProductID,
(Select top 1 ProductName
from Products p
where s.SupplierID=p.SupplierID
order by UnitPrice desc) as ProductName
from Suppliers s
Order by SupplierID
This works, but only works for top 1, and is gross since the select has to be in there multiple times. Incidentally, it might be more meaningful if you think of this as the products sorted by price.
I've tried doing various joins and temporary tables, I can usually find some gross way to get what I want. You can do this easily with cursors but that's horribly slow. But I bet I run across a similar need every week or two, and have this feeling I'm missing something obvious.
Am I?
September 27, 2002 at 8:22 am
I'm guessing something like this might do the trick:
select supplierid, productid,productname, unitprice
from products a where productid in (select top 3 productid
from Products
where supplierid=a.supplierid
order by SupplierID, UnitPrice desc )
order by Supplierid, productid
Gregory Larsen, DBA
If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at
Gregory A. Larsen, MVP
January 28, 2003 at 6:56 pm
Sorry for the delay, the first time I looked at it I thought that was all wrong, but I came back to it and it does seem to work, but makes my head hurt.
I tested it on a customer file we have that might be more natural to think about. The test was to find the 3 customers with the alphabetically last city names within each state. I ran this on real data with about 60,000 customers and gave up after about 20 minutes (this is on a big, fast server). I ran it with about 300 and it took 13 seconds.
Not that I have a better idea! If anyone does, one that runs a bit faster, let me know.
Here's the code I last played with.
select CustNm, ShipCityStr, ShipStateCd
from Customer c
where c.CustCd in (select top 3 CustCd
from Customer c1
where c.ShipStateCd=c1.ShipStateCd
Order by ShipCityStr desc)
order by 3, 2
January 29, 2003 at 2:19 pm
Sometimes a cursor and a temp table is faster. Here is another stab at what you are looking for. Also note that I ran both these examples in SQL Server 7.0 and 2000. 2000 is much faster at returning results for the slow query. Although the cursor, and temp table are still considerable faster. I'm sure some TSQL guri, might even find a better way.
citycd INT,
CUSTID int identity)
SET @City = 0
WHILE @city < 1000
SET @city = @city + 1
create table #y (statecd int,
citycd int,
custid int)
select count(*) from #t
declare str_list cursor for select statecd, citycd, custid from #t order by statecd, citycd desc
declare @i int
declare @x int
declare @statecd int
declare @sstatecd int
declare @citycd int
declare @custid int
set @i = 0
set @x = 3
set @sstatecd = -1
open str_list
FETCH NEXT FROM str_list INTO @statecd, @citycd, @custid
if @sstatecd = @statecd
set @i = @I + 1
set @i = 1
set @sstatecd = @statecd
if @I < = @x
insert into #y values(@statecd,@citycd,@custid)
FETCH NEXT FROM str_list INTO @statecd, @citycd, @custid
select * from #y
close str_list
deallocate str_list
drop table #y
-- slow method
select Custid, Citycd, StateCd
from #t c
where c.Custid in (select top 3 Custid
from #t c1
where c.StateCd=c1.StateCd
Order by Citycd desc)
order by 3, 2
drop table #t
Gregory Larsen, DBA
If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at
Gregory A. Larsen, MVP
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