Beginner in Sql 2000

  • I'm a beginner in Sql 2000 and in this forum too.  I have two tables, one with general information of customers and the other with customer's sales.

    I need the the customer's sales by month and year, percent of "everything" and an average too.

    I made a view but I don't know how to calculate the percent and average.

    It's somenthing like this:

    Customer  Year  Month Sales %   Month Sales %   annual avg %  Grand Total

    A             2006  1        100  1.7  2        350   2.8    110            450



    Can you give some advices for this, please.


  • This might give you an idea how to start

    -- Prepare test data

    declare @customers table (custid int, custname varchar(2))

    insert @customers

    select 1, 'AA' union all

    select 2, 'AB' union all

    select 3, 'C' union all

    select 4, 'DZ'

    declare @sales table (custid int, salesdate datetime, amount money)

    insert @sales

    select 1, '2006-07-02', 150 union all

    select 1, '2006-07-05', 130 union all

    select 2, '2006-06-01', 120 union all

    select 2, '2006-07-02', 110 union all

    select 3, '2006-07-19', 30 union all

    select 3, '2006-07-20', 50 union all

    select 4, '2006-06-10', 190 union all

    select 4, '2006-07-20', 100

    -- Start working

    declare @output table (custid int, Customer varchar(2), Year smallint, Month tinyint, Sales money, [CustSaleCompOtherThisMonth%] smallmoney, [CustSaleCompSelfTotal%] smallmoney)

    insert      @output (custid, customer, year, month, sales)

    select      c.custid,





    from        @customers c

    inner join  @sales s on s.custid = c.custid

    group by    c.custid,




    update       o

    set         [CustSaleCompOtherThisMonth%] = 100.0 * o.sales / z.ts

    from        @output o

    inner join  (

                    select    year,


                              sum(sales) ts

                    from      @output

                    group by  year,


                ) z on z.year = o.year and z.month = o.month

    update      o

    set         [CustSaleCompSelfTotal%] = 100.0 * o.sales / z.ts

    from        @output o

    inner join  (

                    select    custid,

                              sum(sales) ts

                    from      @output

                    group by  custid

                ) z on z.custid = o.custid

    select    Customer,






    from      @output

    order by  Customer,



    Output is

    CustomerName  Year  Month  Sales     CustSaleCompOtherThisMonth%  CustSaleCompSelfTotal%

    ------------  ----  -----  --------  ---------------------------  ----------------------

    AA            2006      7  280.0000                      49.1228                100.0000

    AB            2006      6  120.0000                      38.7097                 52.1739

    AB            2006      7  110.0000                      19.2982                 47.8261

    C             2006      7   80.0000                      14.0351                100.0000

    DZ            2006      6  190.0000                      61.2903                 65.5172

    DZ            2006      7  100.0000                      17.5439                 34.4828

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • I'll prove it tomorrow.

    Thanks a lot Peter.

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