
  • Does anyone know if Microsoft is planning to fix issues with viewing reports on these browsers?  I've got a client base with the full mixture of browsers and I don't have any control over what they use so can't insist they install particular extensions or plugins etc.  The only workaround I've got at the moment is to send an export of the reports that Firefox/Opera/Safari users want to see, which is a bit of a pain for all concerned.

  • I completely agree and have been waiting for almost 5 yrs for Sun to fix the Java components in Netscape 7.

  • Ah!  I won't hold my breath then, if that's any guide!

  • I have the same problem. I mean, RS is cool, but its really not ready for an external implementation.

    What I am doing is running a cache of the reports as pdf once a day and storing them on the server and then providing links to both run the live reports and to run the cached reports (specifically for users without IE).

    Just another imperfect option.


  • If you want to suggest changes to Reporting Services, jump on Microsoft Connect, where you can give feedback and vote on changes.

    From a quick search there is only one mention of report server issues with Firefox and its to do with the samples. According to Microsoft the sample will be fixed in SP2.

    Julian Kuiters

  • Excellent, thanks for that link!

  • There is an addon for Firefox that allows you to emulate IE with just a mouse click. It works great. Very handy if you need to go to a Microsoft website in Firefox as well.

  • Thanks Aaron, I've already got that and it does work very nicely.  Unfortunately I can't mandate it for my customers

  • Take a look at Jon Galloway's CSS fix for Firefox. Don't forget to read the comments. I'm still in the process of implementing SSRS and haven't tried the fix/workaround yet, but it's definitely worth the look.

  • Excellent tip Jeremy, thanks for that.  Unfortunately the CSS fix on Jon's site only fixed the height problem for me, but the other stuff suggested on there kindof gets around the width problem too, just needs a bit of manual work on each report

  • This article from BOL may provide the solution you're looking for: Customizing Style Sheets for HTML Viewer and Report Manager.

    Notably, you can define your own default CSS template. In addition, you can modify the templates used by the Report Wizard (slate, corporate, etc).

    I'd be interested to hear how things go.

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