May 1, 2007 at 8:50 am
I want to drop users in several databases (but not all!). In pseudo code it's like:
use database1
if exists (select name from sys.database_principals where upper(name) = 'name1todrop')
drop user name1todrop
if exists (select name from sys.database_principals where upper(name) = 'name2todrop')
drop user name2todrop
use database 2
if exists (select name from sys.database_principals where upper(name) = 'name1todrop')
drop user name1todrop
This is working fine. But now I want to make a stored procedure out of it.
I can't use the 'use database' (a USE database statement is not allowed in a procedure, function or trigger.)
The drop user only works for the current database. But how to make it current in a stored procedure? The databasename is not allowed in the syntax....
Any help or suggestions are welcome!
May 1, 2007 at 9:29 am
you can perform queries on other db's on your same instance using a simple database prefix, and use dynamic-SQL to action the drop if required
exists (select name from database1.sys.database_principals where upper(name) = 'NAME1TODROP')
exec('use database1; drop user NAME1TODROP')
exists (select name from database1.sys.database_principals where upper(name) = 'NAME2TODROP')
exec('use database1; drop user NAME2TODROP')
exists (select name from database2.sys.database_principals where upper(name) = 'NAME1TODROP')
exec('use database2; drop user NAME1TODROP')
so you should be able to encapsulate this within a sproc.
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