SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Live Node


Today we have an editorial reprinted from March 29, 2006 as Steve is on vacation.

Do you want to be a node on the network of life? Constantly alive and in touch? Maybe you suffer from continuous partial attention. The article is kind of funny actually. The author doing the interview while driving around, giving her own partial attention to the interview. At least that's what I hope and it's not partial attention to the road. Or at least, less partial attention.

I think this is a huge problem in today's world, especially as we are more connected with technology. It used to be that you could have some time to yourself on your commute or any other time in transit. You could get a few minutes to walk around the office, stop by a Starbucks for a latte, something to unwind. Your kids competed for your attention with others that they could see you talking with. You could enjoy a movie in peace. Even answering machines, as much as they were first decried by many people, gave you a chance to escape from unwanted calls.

Now most people carry cell phones. Or worse, Crackberrys. Conversations with someone face to face are interrupted constantly by call phones on the sports field, in movies, the restroom, and the worst, when you're writing some SQL content. No place is safe these days and as connectivity grows, with data services and wireless connections being deployed further and further, it becomes harder to get away.

Now I don't think that the advances are all bad. I like being able to call someone while driving on an errand, or even taking a call while shoveling manure when my wife is traveling. I get two things done at once, one usually not requiring much thought, and save some time in the day for other things. Like spending time with my kids. But I think you have to draw some lines. Turn off your cell phone in places. Set the expectation that you're not always available. I know every call from your spouse could be an emergency, but you don't need to answer in the middle of a movie to hear that milk is low at home. Your kids don't deserve to be interrupted from their baseball or soccer game because your boss wants to ask you something.

There are definite times where you need to be reached and it's great that you can. But setup some code or page. Use 911 or something similar if someone really has an emergency, but wanting to ask if you want pizza for dinner is not an emergency. A query about how your project is going is not an emergency. Your child going to the hospital for stitches is.

As we become more connected, the need for boundaries becomes more important. Not only to show respect for those around us, but also to keep our sanity. The thresholds for alerts in life are as important as the need for alerts. Learn to miss a few calls or emails and pick them up later.

Those of us standing in front of you, trying to carry on a conversation with you will appreciate it.


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