Concatenating dates

  • Hi All

    I have the following:

    Select Datepart(day,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) as LDay, Datepart(month,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) as LMonth, Datepart(Year,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) as LYear

    How can one concatenate all three to show in one column, please??!!

    Thank you in advance


  • Look up the CONVERT function. There are a number of different formats. eg:

    SELECT CONVERT(char(10), SNDF.DateTimeSampled, 103)


  • Hi All

    Thanks so much for all your input. I appreciate it. It's working fine now.





  • If you only are trying to remove the TIME PART information, try this


    SELECT DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, YourDateTimeColumnHere), 0)



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    E 12°55'05.25"

  • The answers of the SQL gurus are more clear and efficient, but note that you can always construct a composite column value by string concatenation:

    SELECT CAST(DATEPART(day,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) AS CHAR(2))

    + '/' + CAST(DATEPART(month,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) AS CHAR(2))

    + '/' + CAST(DATEPART(Year,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) AS CHAR(4))

    FROM WhatEverTable

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