• CREATE PROCEDURE cspAPP_CreateInvSnapShotTable


      @dt_Date Datetime


    declare  @s_SourceTableName varchar(255),

     @s_Sql nvarchar(4000)


    set  @s_SourceTableName = 'tblInvSnapShot'


    set @s_Sql =N'If exists (Select 1 from sysobjects where name =''' + @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv'+ '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''') drop table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''



    set @s_Sql =N'Create table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + '(''

     [PKID] int identity (1,1) NOT NULL,

     [FormTypeID] int NULL,

     [HeatNumID] int NULL,

     [CategoryID] int NOT NULL,

     [ItemCount] char(10) NULL,

     [Cost] money NULL,

     [SkidNum] char(12) NULL,

     [PONum] int NULL,

     [ItemNum] int NULL,

     [TotalWt] float NULL,

     [SnapShotDate] datetime NOT NULL,

     [TotalCost] money NULL,

     [GradeID] int NULL,

     [Width] float NULL,

     [Length] float NULL,

     [ItemNotes] char(800) NULL,

     [GaugeLow] float NULL,

     [GaugeHigh] float NULL,

     [OD] float NULL,

     [ODLow] float NULL,

     [ODHigh] float NULL,

     [Wall] float NULL,

     [Location] nvarchar(25) NULL,


    select @s_Sql


       /* SET IDENTITY_INSERT tblInvSnapShot_PhysInv ON   */

    set @s_Sql = N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' +  @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112)  + ' ON'

    select @s_Sql

    exec (@s_Sql)

    /*sql to insert data into the new tblInvSnapShot_PhysInv */

    set @s_Sql = N'INSERT INTO  ' +  @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112)  + '

    (PKID, FormTypeID, HeatNumID, CategoryID, ItemCount, Cost, SkidNum, PONum, ItemNum, TotalWt, SnapShotDate,

                          TotalCost, GradeID, Gauge, Width, Length, ItemNotes, GaugeLow, GaugeHigh, OD, ODLow, ODHigh, Wall, Location)

    SELECT     PKID, FormTypeID, HeatNumID, CategoryID, ItemCount, Cost, SkidNum, PONum, ItemNum, TotalWt, GETDATE() AS SnapShotDate,

                          Cost * TotalWt AS TotalCost, GradeID, Gauge, Width, Length, ItemNotes, GaugeLow, GaugeHigh, OD, ODLow, ODHigh, Wall, Location

    FROM         dbo.INVITEMS'

    select @s_Sql

    exec (@s_Sql)


    I get the error message "Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'tblInvSnapShot_PhysInv_20060920' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.".

    when I run  this in the query analyzer (code from above)

    set @s_Sql = N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' +  @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112)  + ' ON'

    select @s_Sql

    exec (@s_Sql)

    I get the correct SQL and it runs with no errors.

    Does the created table get immediately added to the system catalog? If not is this why the error message?

    Thanks,  Alan Monteath 

  • The problem is the nature af dynamic sql.  You need to add the set identity insert on in the same dynamic sql that does the insert:

    CREATE PROCEDURE cspAPP_CreateInvSnapShotTable

      @dt_Date Datetime


    declare  @s_SourceTableName varchar(255),

     @s_Sql nvarchar(4000)


    set  @s_SourceTableName = 'tblInvSnapShot'


    set @s_Sql =N'If exists (Select 1 from sysobjects where name =''' + @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv'+ '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''') drop table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''



    set @s_Sql =N'Create table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + '(''

     [PKID] int identity (1,1) NOT NULL,

     [FormTypeID] int NULL,

     [HeatNumID] int NULL,

     [CategoryID] int NOT NULL,

     [ItemCount] char(10) NULL,

     [Cost] money NULL,

     [SkidNum] char(12) NULL,

     [PONum] int NULL,

     [ItemNum] int NULL,

     [TotalWt] float NULL,

     [SnapShotDate] datetime NOT NULL,

     [TotalCost] money NULL,

     [GradeID] int NULL,

     [Width] float NULL,

     [Length] float NULL,

     [ItemNotes] char(800) NULL,

     [GaugeLow] float NULL,

     [GaugeHigh] float NULL,

     [OD] float NULL,

     [ODLow] float NULL,

     [ODHigh] float NULL,

     [Wall] float NULL,

     [Location] nvarchar(25) NULL,


    select @s_Sql


       /* SET IDENTITY_INSERT tblInvSnapShot_PhysInv ON   */

    set @s_Sql = N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' +  @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112)  + ' ON'

    select @s_Sql

    exec (@s_Sql)

    /*sql to insert data into the new tblInvSnapShot_PhysInv */

    set @s_Sql = @s_Sql + N';' + N'INSERT INTO  ' +  @s_SourceTableName + '_PhysInv' + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112)  + '

    (PKID, FormTypeID, HeatNumID, CategoryID, ItemCount, Cost, SkidNum, PONum, ItemNum, TotalWt, SnapShotDate,

                          TotalCost, GradeID, Gauge, Width, Length, ItemNotes, GaugeLow, GaugeHigh, OD, ODLow, ODHigh, Wall, Location)

    SELECT     PKID, FormTypeID, HeatNumID, CategoryID, ItemCount, Cost, SkidNum, PONum, ItemNum, TotalWt, GETDATE() AS SnapShotDate,

                          Cost * TotalWt AS TotalCost, GradeID, Gauge, Width, Length, ItemNotes, GaugeLow, GaugeHigh, OD, ODLow, ODHigh, Wall, Location

    FROM         dbo.INVITEMS'

    select @s_Sql

    exec (@s_Sql)



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