Log shipping at specified intervals

  • I have two identical servers Server A and Server B .

    All the backups and T log files from Server A are replicated to server B.

    Manual full DB restores are done nightly on the server B from Server A,s full backup.

    Need help recovering server B every day to a specified time.

    Remember that all the transaction logs from Server A are available on Server B.

    Ideally at noon everyday I would like to restore server B to say 10:am and at 6 pm restore Server B to 4:00pm.Again all the log files are available on Server B

    Traditional log shipping does not seem to cut it and I have a feeling there might be a simple way to do this without needing too much scripting.

    Your input is greatly appreciated


  • Log shipping should work. You can edit the job schedules log shiping creates. On server A, you can change schedule of log backup job. Then in serve B, edit schedule of copy and restore. Also, you will need to edit the alert thresholds to cater for the the schedules. Hope this helps.

  • I agree that log shipping should work.  I have a similar situation where the server B needs to have data as current as 4 a.m. and the database needs to be available by 4:30 a.m.  Of course all of the logs can't be applied in 30 minutes so I created 2 extra jobs.  One is scheduled at 11:45 pm and the other at 2 a.m.  These merely run sp_start_job to start the restore job created by log shipping which is scheduled at 4 a.m.  There might be a better way to do this, but it works for me 🙂

  • Thanks for your responses guys

    Should have mentioned that the trans logs are backed up every

    1/2 hour.And would like to keep them that way just in case .

    Tried to tamper with the backup/restore schedule as mentioned without changing the translog backups and was not able do setup daily consistent restores at chosen times

    restore to 10:am and at noon

    restore to noon at 4:pm

    Not sure what I am missing


  • You may want to adjust the schedule on the job that copies the files so that you can control which files are actually restored.  Or you could probably rename the files temporarily on server B so that they don't get restored and then name them back, but that could get messy.  Or you could temporarily move the files that you don't want restored to another folder and then move them back later, but again that could get messy.  I'd stick to either changing job schedules, adding extra steps, or adding extra jobs.  Good luck.

  • Hi,

    you might create a new procedure do do the log restores. Get the apropriate log backup files from the filesystem (depending on the file date) and restore them to a point in time. This point in time should be a parameter for the procedure.

    Now you only have to create a restore job for each time and voilá...


    BTW - Why are you doing the full restores manually and not by job?


    Best regards

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