Isolation Levels Crystal Reports XI and OLEDB

  • Hi,

    we have a large system running many hundreds of users with a relatively small amount of data entry but a vast amount of retrieval one avenue of which is via Crystal Reports XI. Reading round this (and believe me I have) CR always tries to get the highest isolation level when it runs a report which may be causing issues with our application as many of the reports touch data in EVERY table in the database - scary stuff.

    Now the question is, has anyone found a way of telling CR XI (R2) to go for the lowest possible isloation level when reading data? Or, could I be barking up the wrong tree. We do have evidence that when certain reports are run various parts of the application that access data central to the report are hanging until the report session terminates.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • I don' t know much about CR but lowest leve of ISOLATION leve in SQL is READ UNCOMMITTED where default is READ COMMITTED...

    You may need to set the connection for READ UNCOMMITTED if it is possible in CR configuration...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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