SQLServerCentral Article

Modifying and deleting extended properties


In the two previous articles, you saw how to:

So now it is time to look at the remaining two of the three system stored procedures which concern extended properties. These are:

  • sp_updateextendedproperty
  • sp_dropextendedproperty

Once these two are understood (which will not take very long) we will look at ways to modify and delete one or a set of extended properties. This will include

  • Output the extended properties from a database, wrapped in the "sp_updateextendedproperty" system stored procedure, to let you make multiple modifications to existing extended properties.
  • Output the list of extended properties from a database, wrapped in the "sp_dropextendedproperty" system stored procedure, to let you drop a set of existing extended properties.

So, firstly let's take a look at modifying extended properties one-by-one and type by type, and then at a script to allow you to select a set or a range of extended properties for modification - or deletion.

Modify an extended property

Assuming that you can now see how extended properties are stored, and how to output them, you might well need to modify them - other than individually through the SSMS interface, (which I will let you extrapolate from the first article) that is.

The system stored procedure "pr_updateextendedproperty" is virtually identical to "pr_addextendedproperty". The same hierarchy of objects still applies, and the same definitions (schema, table, view etc...) are still used.

To modify an existing extended property, you will need something like this (for a table):

EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty 
@level0type = N'SCHEMA' -- The object schema
,@level0name = [Sales] -- The object schema name
,@level1type = N'TABLE' -- The object type
,@level1name = [Stock] -- The object name
,@name = N'Overview' -- The "Classification"
,@value = N'This is a great table' -- The "Comment"

Essentially, you are using the same structure as when you added the extended property, but without specifying the "name". So I will not give examples of each one, but will let you extrapolate from the examples given in the first article.

Output all the extended properties from a database for modification

Things get more interesting when you want to script out all the extended properties from a database for modification, wrapped in the "pr_updateextendedproperty" system stored procedure. So let's delve into this.
Once again, let's first look at an example of each level of extended property. I described how extended properties are stored in four "levels" in the first article in this series, as I find this helps to understand their storage, and so will continue with this approach here.

First level - Database:

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
WHERE class_desc = N'DATABASE'

The output is:

Schema (level 0):

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON SEP.major_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.class_desc = N'SCHEMA'

The output is:

Table (level 1):

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.tables TBL
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON TBL.object_id = SEP.major_id
WHERE SEP.class = 1
AND SEP.minor_id = 0
AND (SEP.value <> '1' AND SEP.value <> 1)

The output is:

Column (level 2):

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''COLUMN'', @level2name = [' + COL.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.columns COL
ON SEP.major_id = COL.object_id
AND SEP.minor_id = COL.column_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables TBL
ON SEP.major_id = TBL.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.class = 1
AND (SEP.value <> '1' AND SEP.value <> 1)

The output is:

So, armed with this knowledge, here are the code snippets to modify all existing extended properties in your database. I will let you see the output, when you run it against your own databases.

Column description

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''COLUMN'', @level2name = [' + COL.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.columns COL
ON SEP.major_id = COL.object_id
AND SEP.minor_id = COL.column_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables TBL
ON SEP.major_id = TBL.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.class = 1
AND (SEP.value <> '1' AND SEP.value <> 1)
and sep.name = 'Overview'

Primary keys

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''CONSTRAINT'', @level2name = [' + SKC.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.tables TBL
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.key_constraints SKC
ON SEP.major_id = SKC.object_id
ON TBL.object_id = SKC.parent_object_id

Unique constraints

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''CONSTRAINT'', @level2name = [' + SKC.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.tables TBL
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.key_constraints SKC
ON SEP.major_id = SKC.object_id
ON TBL.object_id = SKC.parent_object_id
AND (SEP.value <> '1' AND SEP.value <> 1)

Check constraints

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''CONSTRAINT'', @level2name = [' + CHK.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.check_constraints CHK
ON SEP.major_id = CHK.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
INNER JOIN sys.tables TBL
ON SCH.schema_id = TBL.schema_id
ON CHK.parent_object_id = TBL.object_id


'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''INDEX'', @level2name = [' + SIX.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.indexes SIX
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON SIX.object_id = SEP.major_id
AND SIX.index_id = SEP.minor_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables TBL
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
ON SIX.object_id = TBL.object_id
WHERE SEP.class_desc = N'INDEX'
AND SIX.is_primary_key = 0

Foreign Keys

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''CONSTRAINT'', @level2name = [' + SFK.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.foreign_keys SFK
ON SEP.major_id = SFK.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables TBL
ON SFK.parent_object_id = TBL.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id


'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''CONSTRAINT'', @level2name = [' + SDC.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.default_constraints SDC
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
INNER JOIN sys.tables TBL
ON SCH.schema_id = TBL.schema_id
ON SDC.parent_object_id = TBL.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON SDC.object_id = SEP.major_id


'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''VIEW'', @level1name = [' + VIW.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.views VIW
ON SEP.major_id = VIW.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON VIW.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.minor_id = 0

View Columns

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''VIEW'', @level1name = [' + VIW.name + '] , @level2type = ''COLUMN'', @level2name = [' + COL.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.columns COL
ON SEP.major_id = COL.object_id
AND SEP.minor_id = COL.column_id
INNER JOIN sys.views VIW
ON SEP.major_id = VIW.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON VIW.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.class = 1
AND (SEP.value <> '1' AND SEP.value <> 1)

View Indexes

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''VIEW'', @level1name = [' + VIW.name + '] , @level2type = ''INDEX'', @level2name = [' + SIX.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.indexes SIX
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON SIX.object_id = SEP.major_id
AND SIX.index_id = SEP.minor_id
INNER JOIN sys.views VIW
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON VIW.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
ON SIX.object_id = VIW.object_id
WHERE SEP.class_desc = N'INDEX'

User-defined Functions

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''FUNCTION'', @level1name = [' + OBJ.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.objects OBJ
ON SEP.major_id = OBJ.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
AND SEP.minor_id = 0

User-defined Function parameters

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''FUNCTION'', @level1name = [' + OBJ.name + '] , @level2type = ''PARAMETER'', @level2name = [' + PRM.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.objects OBJ
ON SEP.major_id = OBJ.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.parameters PRM
ON SEP.major_id = PRM.object_id
AND SEP.minor_id = PRM.parameter_id
AND OBJ.type IN ('FN', 'IF', 'TF')

Stored Procedures

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''PROCEDURE'', @level1name = [' + PRC.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.procedures PRC
ON SEP.major_id = PRC.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON PRC.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.minor_id = 0

Stored Procedure parameters

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''PROCEDURE'', @level1name = [' + SPR.name + '] , @level2type = ''PARAMETER'', @level2name = [' + PRM.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.procedures SPR
ON SEP.major_id = SPR.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON SPR.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.parameters PRM
ON SEP.major_id = PRM.object_id
AND SEP.minor_id = PRM.parameter_id

DDL Triggers

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''TRIGGER'', @level0name = [' + TRG.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.triggers TRG
ON SEP.major_id = TRG.object_id
WHERE TRG.parent_class_desc = N'DATABASE'

Table triggers

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''TABLE'', @level1name = [' + TBL.name + '] , @level2type = ''TRIGGER'', @level2name = [' + TRG.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.tables TBL
INNER JOIN sys.triggers TRG
ON TBL.object_id = TRG.parent_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON TRG.object_id = SEP.major_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id

View triggers

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '], @level1type = ''VIEW'', @level1name = [' + VIW.name + '] , @level2type = ''TRIGGER'', @level2name = [' + TRG.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.views VIW
INNER JOIN sys.triggers TRG
ON VIW.object_id = TRG.parent_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON TRG.object_id = SEP.major_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON VIW.schema_id = SCH.schema_id

Partition Functions

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''PARTITION FUNCTION'', @level0name = [' + PFN.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions PFN
ON SEP.major_id = PFN.function_id

Partition Schemes

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''PARTITION SCHEME'', @level0name = [' + PSC.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes PSC
ON SEP.major_id = PSC.function_id


'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''FILEGROUP'', @level0name = [' + DSP.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces DSP
ON SEP.major_id = DSP.data_space_id

Filegroups and logical file

'EXEC sys.sp_updateextendedproperty @level0type = N''FILEGROUP'', @level0name = [' + DSP.name + '], @level1type = ''LOGICAL FILE NAME'', @level1name = ' + DBF.name + ' ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''' ,@value = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(4000)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.database_files DBF
ON SEP.major_id = DBF.file_id
INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces DSP
ON DBF.data_space_id = DSP.data_space_id


  • You cannot update a non-existent extended property - you must create it first. Unfortunately "sys.sp_updateextendedproperty" will not create the extended property if it is not already there!
  • You can, of course not use named parameters, but merely enter the parameter values in the correct order.

Delete one or a set of extended properties.

Deleting (dropping) extended properties is remarkably similar to updating them - except that you will use the system stored procedure sys.sp_dropextendedproperty, and that you do not need to specify the value (the comment or descriptive text) - after all, this is what you want to modify.

Basically, you will need to write something like (for a table):

EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty 
@level0type = N'SCHEMA' -- The object schema
,@level0name = [Sales] -- The object schema name
,@level1type = N'TABLE' -- The object type
,@level1name = [Stock] -- The object name
,@name = N'Overview' -- The "Classification"

Here are a couple of examples:


'EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
WHERE class_desc = N'DATABASE'


'EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @level0type = N''SCHEMA'', @level0name = [' + SCH.name + '] ,@name = ''' + REPLACE(CAST(SEP.name AS NVARCHAR(300)),'''','''''') + ''''
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON SEP.major_id = SCH.schema_id
WHERE SEP.class_desc = N'SCHEMA'

Once again, I see no point in repeating a set of scripts which have been given earlier, and so refer you to the first article - or the attached script [GetExtendedPropertiesForDelete.sql], which contains drop scripts for each object type covered in these articles. If you are using the scripts from the first article to drop individual extended properties, remember to remove the "value" parameter from the script. If you are using the scripts given above to list out sets of extended properties, then you must also exclude the final generation of the "value" parameter. And, of course, in both cases, alter sp_addextendedproperty or sp_updateextendedproperty to read sp_dropextendedproperty.

Finally, as promised at the top of this article, here is a script to let you produce the statements to either drop or to update extended properties for a set of database objects. This script does not attempt to cover all objects, but limits itself to a subset of core schema-scoped objects (tables and views with their dependent objects such as columns, constraints and views). The choice of these objects is purely personal, and is based on the principal requirements that I have encountered over the years. You can extend this as you think fit so suit your needs.

Note that if you do not specify any schema or table or view you will get all schemas with all their tables and views, by default. To limit the output, merely enter a comma-separated list of table or view objects for the variable "@TableViewListIN" . Similarly to restrict to a set of schemas, enter a comma-separated list of table or view objects for the variable "@SchemaListIN". Replacing 'Append' with 'Drop' will script drop statements for extended properties.
-- User-defined variables
DECLARE @TableViewListIN VARCHAR(4000)
SET @SchemaListIN = ''
SET @TableViewListIN = ''
SET @DropAppend = 'Append'
-- Process variables
DECLARE @SchemaList VARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @TableViewList VARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @CharPosition int
SET @SchemaList = ''
SET @TableViewList = ''
-- Start the process:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ModifyDrop') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb..#ModifyDrop;
CREATE TABLE #ModifyDrop (PrimaryObjectType VARCHAR(25), SecondaryObjectType VARCHAR(25), SchemaName NVARCHAR(128), PrimaryObjectName NVARCHAR(128), SecondaryObjectName NVARCHAR(128), Classification NVARCHAR(128), DescriptionText NVARCHAR(1700), SQLText NVARCHAR(2500))
-- Parse list of schemas to process / get list of schemas according to types required
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SchemaList') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb..#SchemaList;
CREATE TABLE #SchemaList (SchemaName VARCHAR(128)) -- Used to hold list of schemata to process
IF @SchemaListIN <> '' -- See if there is a list of columns to process
-- Process list
SET @SchemaList = @SchemaListIN + ','
SET @CharPosition = 0
WHILE CHARINDEX(',', @SchemaList) > 0
SET @CharPosition = CHARINDEX(',', @SchemaList)
INSERT INTO #SchemaList (SchemaName) VALUES (LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@SchemaList, @CharPosition - 1))))
SET @SchemaList = STUFF(@SchemaList, 1, @CharPosition, '')

END -- While loop
END -- If test for list of schema names
BEGIN -- Use all schema names, to avoid filtering
INSERT INTO #SchemaList (SchemaName)
SELECT [name]
FROM [sys].[schemas]
WHERE schema_id < 16000
END -- Else test to get all schema names
-- Parse list of schemas to process / get list of schemas according to types required
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableViewList') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb..#TableViewList;
CREATE TABLE #TableViewList (TableViewName VARCHAR(128)) -- Used to hold list of tables & views to process
IF @TableViewListIN <> '' -- See if there is a list of columns to process
-- Process list
SET @TableViewList = @TableViewListIN + ','
SET @CharPosition = 0
WHILE CHARINDEX(',', @TableViewList) > 0
SET @CharPosition = CHARINDEX(',', @TableViewList)
INSERT INTO #TableViewList (TableViewName) VALUES (LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TableViewList, @CharPosition - 1))))
SET @TableViewList = STUFF(@TableViewList, 1, @CharPosition, '')

END -- While loop
END -- If test for list of TableView names
BEGIN -- Use all TableView names, to avoid filtering
INSERT INTO #TableViewList (TableViewName)
FROM sys.objects OBJ
END -- Else test to get all TableView names
-- Table or View objects
INSERT INTO #ModifyDrop (PrimaryObjectType, SecondaryObjectType, SchemaName, PrimaryObjectName, SecondaryObjectName, Classification, DescriptionText)
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE' THEN 'Table'
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = 'VIEW' THEN 'View'
END AS PrimaryObjectType
,CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR(25)) AS SecondaryObjectType
,SCH.name AS SchemaName
,OBJ.name AS PrimaryObjectName
,CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR(25)) AS SecondaryObjectName
,SEP.name AS Classification
,CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(1700)) AS DescriptionText
FROM sys.extended_properties SEP
INNER JOIN sys.objects OBJ
ON SEP.major_id = OBJ.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN #SchemaList tmpSCH
ON tmpSCH.SchemaName = SCH.name
INNER JOIN #TableViewList tmpTbv
ON tmpTbv.TableViewName = OBJ.name
WHERE (SEP.minor_id = 0 AND SEP.class_desc = N'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN' AND OBJ.type_desc IN ('USER_TABLE','VIEW'))
-- Column objects
INSERT INTO #ModifyDrop (PrimaryObjectType, SecondaryObjectType, SchemaName, PrimaryObjectName, SecondaryObjectName, Classification, DescriptionText)
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = N'USER_TABLE' THEN 'Table'
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = N'VIEW' THEN 'View'
END AS PrimaryObjectType
,'Column' AS SecondaryObjectType
,SCH.name AS SchemaName
,OBJ.name AS PrimaryObjectName
,COL.name AS SecondaryObjectName
,SEP.name AS Classification
,CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(1700)) AS DescriptionText
FROM sys.objects OBJ
INNER JOIN sys.columns COL
ON OBJ.object_id = COL.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON COL.object_id = SEP.major_id
AND COL.column_id = SEP.minor_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN #SchemaList tmpSCH
ON tmpSCH.SchemaName = SCH.name
INNER JOIN #TableViewList tmpTbv
ON tmpTbv.TableViewName = OBJ.name
OR OBJ.type_desc = N'VIEW'
-- Index objects
INSERT INTO #ModifyDrop (PrimaryObjectType, SecondaryObjectType, SchemaName, PrimaryObjectName, SecondaryObjectName, Classification, DescriptionText)
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = N'USER_TABLE' THEN 'Table'
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = N'VIEW' THEN 'View'
END AS PrimaryObjectType
,'Index' AS SecondaryObjectType
,SCH.name AS SchemaName
,OBJ.name AS PrimaryObjectName
,SIX.name AS SecondaryObjectName
,SEP.name AS Classification
,CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(1700)) AS DescriptionText
FROM sys.objects OBJ
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes SIX
ON OBJ.object_id = SIX.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON SIX.object_id = SEP.major_id
AND SIX.index_id = SEP.minor_id
INNER JOIN #SchemaList tmpSCH
ON tmpSCH.SchemaName = SCH.name
INNER JOIN #TableViewList tmpTbv
ON tmpTbv.TableViewName = OBJ.name
WHERE SEP.class_desc = N'INDEX'
-- Constraints
INSERT INTO #ModifyDrop (PrimaryObjectType, SecondaryObjectType, SchemaName, PrimaryObjectName, SecondaryObjectName, Classification, DescriptionText)
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = N'USER_TABLE' THEN 'Table'
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = N'VIEW' THEN 'View'
END AS PrimaryObjectType
,'Constraint' AS SecondaryObjectType
,SCH.name AS SchemaName
,OBJ.name AS PrimaryObjectName
,OBJ_1.name AS SecondaryObjectName
,SEP.name AS Classification
,CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(1700)) AS DescriptionText
FROM sys.objects OBJ
INNER JOIN sys.objects AS OBJ_1
ON OBJ.object_id = OBJ_1.parent_object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON OBJ_1.object_id = SEP.major_id
INNER JOIN #SchemaList tmpSCH
ON tmpSCH.SchemaName = SCH.name
INNER JOIN #TableViewList tmpTbv
ON tmpTbv.TableViewName = OBJ.name
-- Stored Procedures and Functions
INSERT INTO #ModifyDrop (PrimaryObjectType, SecondaryObjectType, SchemaName, PrimaryObjectName, SecondaryObjectName, Classification, DescriptionText)
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = 'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE' THEN 'Procedure'
WHEN OBJ.type_desc = 'SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION' THEN 'Function'
END AS PrimaryObjectType
,CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR(25)) AS SecondaryObjectType
,SCH.name AS SchemaName
,OBJ.name AS PrimaryObjectName
,CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR(25)) AS SecondaryObjectName
,SEP.name AS Classification
,CAST(SEP.value AS NVARCHAR(1700)) AS DescriptionText
FROM sys.objects OBJ
INNER JOIN sys.schemas SCH
ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties SEP
ON OBJ.object_id = SEP.major_id
INNER JOIN #SchemaList tmpSCH
ON tmpSCH.SchemaName = SCH.name
-- Output
IF @DropAppend = 'Append'
UPDATE #ModifyDrop
WHEN PrimaryObjectType IN ('Table','View','Procedure','Function') AND SecondaryObjectType IS NULL THEN 'sp_updateextendedproperty @name = N''' + Classification + ''', @level0type = N''Schema'', @level0name = [' + SchemaName + '], @level1type = N''' + PrimaryObjectType + ''', @level1name = [' + PrimaryObjectName + '], @value = ''' + DescriptionText + ''';'
WHEN SecondaryObjectType IN ('Column','Index','ForeignKey','Default', 'PrimaryKey', 'UniqueConstraint') THEN 'sp_updateextendedproperty @name = N''' + Classification + ''', @level0type = N''Schema'', @level0name = [' + SchemaName + '], @level1type = N''' + PrimaryObjectType + ''', @level1name = [' + PrimaryObjectName + '], @level2type = N''' + ISNULL(SecondaryObjectType,'') + ''', @level2name = [' + ISNULL(SecondaryObjectName,'') + '], @value = ''' + DescriptionText + ''';'
UPDATE #ModifyDrop
WHEN PrimaryObjectType IN ('Table','View','Procedure','Function') AND SecondaryObjectType IS NULL THEN 'sp_dropextendedproperty @name = N''' + Classification + ''', @level0type = N''Schema'', @level0name = [' + SchemaName + '], @level1type = N''' + PrimaryObjectType + ''', @level1name = [' + PrimaryObjectName + '];'
WHEN SecondaryObjectType IN ('Column','Index','ForeignKey','Default', 'PrimaryKey', 'UniqueConstraint') THEN 'sp_dropextendedproperty @name = N''' + Classification + ''', @level0type = N''Schema'', @level0name = [' + SchemaName + '], @level1type = N''' + PrimaryObjectType + ''', @level1name = [' + PrimaryObjectName + '], @level2type = N''' + ISNULL(SecondaryObjectType,'') + ''', @level2name = [' + ISNULL(SecondaryObjectName,'') + '];'


  • This script will work with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 - if you are working with SQL Server 2008 then you could replace the list parsing with a table-valued parameter, and initialise the variables as part of the variable declaration.

The next article will deal with industrial-strength database documentation using Extended Properties - aka how to add hundreds of comments at a time to a range of objects.



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