Pivot Table Generator Code

  • removed...

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • IMHO Is not pivot in sql 2005 the better option for sql 2005?


  • Yes. If you know which columns you want.

    No. Since you have to hardwire the column names for the PIVOT operator in SQL 2005.

    With my code you don't have to.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Dynamic PIVOT for 2005 (not tested)

    DECLARE @tablename nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @groupby nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @pivcol nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @datacol nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @agg nvarchar(20)

    SET @tablename = 'SOURCETABLE'

    SET @groupby = 'ROWFIELD'

    SET @pivcol = 'COLUMNFIELD'

    SET @datacol = 'DATAFIELD'

    SET @agg = 'SUM'

    DECLARE @cols nvarchar(MAX), @sql nvarchar(MAX)

    SET @cols = ''

    SET @sql = 'SELECT @cols = @cols + '',['' + CAST('+@pivcol+' as nvarchar) + '']'' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT '+@pivcol+' FROM '+@tablename+') a'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@cols nvarchar(MAX) OUTPUT', @cols OUTPUT

    SET @sql = N'SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT '+@groupby+', '+@pivcol+', '+@datacol+',

    FROM '+@tablename+') AS h

    PIVOT('+@agg+'('+@datacol+') FOR '+@pivcol+' IN (' + @cols + N') AS p'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • That seems to work! But only for SQL 2005, sadly enough.

    We still have 1 SQL 6.5, 4 SQL 7.0 and 13 SQL 2000, so this is what I come up with to make it work across all versions.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Here's the technique I use more often than not when pivoting server-side: http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=2955

    Doing the pivot client-side can often be a good solution too.

    Obviously use the technique which works best for your situation.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • regarding the sqlteam article (good).

    there is a downside with using ##pivot.. ##meaning global temp tb.... global = everyone... so only one can use it at a certain time.


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  • If anyone would like to take a crack at reproducing the functionality of RAC bring it on

    For professional crosstab development check out RAC @:



  • As for the untested code sample. Here is a tested (and debugged) version for anyone interested;

    DECLARE @tablename nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @groupby nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @pivcol nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @datacol nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @agg nvarchar(20)

    SET @tablename = 'SOURCETABLE'

    SET @groupby = 'ROWFIELD'

    SET @pivcol = 'COLUMNFIELD'

    SET @datacol = 'DATAFIELD'

    SET @agg = 'SUM'

    DECLARE @cols nvarchar(MAX), @sql nvarchar(MAX)

    SET @cols = ''

    SET @sql = 'SELECT @cols = @cols + ''['' + CAST('+@pivcol+' as nvarchar) + ''], '' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT '+@pivcol+' FROM '+@lookuptable+') a'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@cols nvarchar(MAX) OUTPUT', @cols OUTPUT

    SET @cols = LEFT(@cols, LEN(RTRIM(@cols)) - 1)

    SET @sql = N'SELECT * FROM (SELECT '+@groupby+', '+@pivcol+', '+@datacol+' FROM '+@tablename+') h PIVOT('+@agg+'('+@datacol+') FOR '+@pivcol+' IN (' + @cols + N')) AS p'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    Also, a slight modification to ensure that, for example, all values in a lookup table are represented as a column;

    DECLARE @tablename nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @lookuptable nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @groupby nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @pivcol nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @datacol nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @agg nvarchar(20)

    SET @tablename = 'Calls'

    SET @lookuptable = 'CallStatus'

    SET @groupby = 'klID'

    SET @pivcol = 'stID'

    SET @datacol = 'clID'

    SET @agg = 'COUNT'

    DECLARE @cols nvarchar(MAX), @sql nvarchar(MAX)

    SET @cols = ''

    SET @sql = 'SELECT @cols = @cols + ''['' + CAST('+@pivcol+' as nvarchar) + ''], '' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT '+@pivcol+' FROM '+@lookuptable+') a'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@cols nvarchar(MAX) OUTPUT', @cols OUTPUT

    SET @cols = LEFT(@cols, LEN(RTRIM(@cols)) - 1)

    SET @sql = N'SELECT * FROM (SELECT '+@groupby+', '+@pivcol+', '+@datacol+' FROM '+@tablename+') h PIVOT('+@agg+'('+@datacol+') FOR '+@pivcol+' IN (' + @cols + N')) AS p'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    As for Peter Larsson ("That seems to work! But only for SQL 2005, sadly enough."). He forgot to mention that there were a few errors in the code sample which, if he got it to work, he must have found and solved. Please Peter, why not just post the revised code in this case so that we all do not have reinvent the wheel time and time again!???

  • This works for all versions.



    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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