Hiding information_schema and sys views

  • I have a group of users familiar with Microsoft Access that I allow to connect read only via ODBC to a series of datasets on a database.  The users can then run their own queries and develop reports against the linked tables.  In SQL 2000 this was simple enough to do by creating a user and assigning select permissions to specific tables.

    I have now upgraded to SQL server 2005 and I am having trouble coming to grips with the new security model. If anyone knows of a good tutorial on this I would be grateful (BOL not helpful), and that may help me solve my main problem which is this:

    When my users link to external data from Access to pick the specific datasets they wish to link to they are seeing all of the information_schema and .sys views as well as those database tables they should be able to see.  I have tried all sorts of things on a development server to prevent these views from showing - all to no avail.  I suspect it may be something to do with the public role and the fact that all user logins are mapped to this role by default and cannot be removed.

    Any guidance with this issue would be most appreciated.

    UPDATE:  Please forget this.  I asked the same thing months ago and received a resolution to it.  Forget me, I'm getting old and should perhaps look at getting out of this game and do sudoku all day!!


    Best Regards

  • Just revoke permissions for the users on those sytem views so that they will not be able to use those.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • I have this same problem, but I can't find any previous resolution. Could someone either explain again please or point me to a URL?

    Incidentally I tried Sugesh's suggestion of revoking permissions for the user and apart from the fact that I don't want to do it 295 times (once for each system view) times the number of users to whom I wish to grant special access, I get the following raspberry.

    Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedure sor extended stored procedures can be granted only when the current database is master - MS SQL Server error 4629

    I googled this and eventually realised that I have to grant the user access to master in order to deny him access to the system views and stored procedures (and there is something crazy about THAT concept). But I repeat, I do not want to do this a zillion times in SSMS, so I suppose I am going to have to write a script?

    I would still like someone to explain why we have to do all this. Why can't we just say deny access to all except this one view? Why do the sysviews etc have to be included unless we want them to?

  • Michael I sympathise with you completely.  Do you ever get the feeling lately that Microsoft is losing the plot with some of the default settings and 'features' they build into their applications.  My colleague is currently conducting a feasability study on Sharepoint 2007 and some of the defaults he is finding are laughable when considered for a secure working environment.  Same with some of the office applications settings, and more -   have you ever tried to change the default font in Visual Studio Reporting Services ?  Don't bother, you can't!

    But wait, back to your original request.  This is the script and results I used a while back.  First run the script at the top and then execute all the revoke statements en masse from a new query window.  You may wish to edit the list first.  I still found though that you cannot revoke a couple of the sys views and I believe it is something to do with the fact that everyone by default (!) is dumped into the public role and some views cannot be revoked for that.  When I get the time I intend to do a bit more research on my development machine, but it is so-o-o frustrating ....

    -- Routine to revoke select permissions for the public role on

    -- Information_Schema and sys schema views.  The statement immediately below generates

    -- the list of revoke statements following.


    SELECT ' REVOKE SELECT ON '+ s.name + '.' + o.name + ' TO public'

    FROM sys.all_views o, sys.schemas s

    WHERE o.schema_id = s.Schema_id

    AND o.SCHEMA_ID IN (3, 4)

    ORDER BY s.name, o.name


    USE Master






















     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.all_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.all_objects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.all_parameters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.all_sql_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.all_views TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.allocation_units TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.assemblies TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.assembly_files TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.assembly_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.assembly_references TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.assembly_types TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.asymmetric_keys TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.backup_devices TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.certificates TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.check_constraints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.column_type_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.computed_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.configurations TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.conversation_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.conversation_groups TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.credentials TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.crypt_properties TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.data_spaces TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_files TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_mirroring TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_mirroring_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_mirroring_witnesses TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_permissions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_principal_aliases TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_principals TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_recovery_status TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.database_role_members TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.databases TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.default_constraints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.destination_data_spaces TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_broker_connections TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_broker_forwarded_messages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_clr_appdomains TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_clr_loaded_assemblies TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_clr_properties TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_clr_tasks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_file_space_usage TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_mirroring_connections TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_missing_index_details TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_partition_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_session_space_usage TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_db_task_space_usage TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_background_job_queue TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_background_job_queue_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_cached_plans TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_connections TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_query_resource_semaphores TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_query_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_query_transformation_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_requests TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_sessions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_fts_index_population TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_fts_memory_buffers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_fts_memory_pools TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_fts_population_ranges TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_io_backup_tapes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_io_cluster_shared_drives TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_child_instances TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_hosts TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_latch_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_loaded_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_allocations TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_cache_clock_hands TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_cache_entries TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_cache_hash_tables TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_clerks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_objects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_memory_pools TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_performance_counters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_ring_buffers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_schedulers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_stacks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_sublatches TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_sys_info TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_tasks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_threads TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_virtual_address_dump TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_wait_stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_worker_local_storage TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_os_workers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_qn_subscriptions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_repl_articles TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_repl_schemas TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_repl_tranhash TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_repl_traninfo TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_active_transactions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_current_snapshot TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_current_transaction TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_database_transactions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_locks TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_session_transactions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_top_version_generators TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_transactions_snapshot TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.dm_tran_version_store TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.endpoint_webmethods TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.event_notification_event_types TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.event_notifications TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.events TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.extended_procedures TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.extended_properties TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.filegroups TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.foreign_key_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.foreign_keys TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.fulltext_catalogs TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.fulltext_document_types TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.fulltext_index_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.fulltext_indexes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.fulltext_languages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.http_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.identity_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.index_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.indexes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.internal_tables TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.key_constraints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.key_encryptions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.linked_logins TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.login_token TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.master_files TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.master_key_passwords TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.messages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.module_assembly_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.numbered_procedure_parameters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.numbered_procedures TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.objects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.openkeys TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.parameter_type_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.parameters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.partition_functions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.partition_parameters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.partition_range_values TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.partition_schemes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.partitions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.plan_guides TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.procedures TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.remote_logins TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.remote_service_bindings TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.routes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.schemas TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.securable_classes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_assembly_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_event_notifications TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_events TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_permissions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_principals TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_role_members TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_sql_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_trigger_events TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.server_triggers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.servers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_broker_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_contract_message_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_contract_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_contracts TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_message_types TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_queue_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.service_queues TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.services TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.soap_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sql_dependencies TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sql_logins TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sql_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.stats TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.stats_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.symmetric_keys TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.synonyms TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysaltfiles TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscacheobjects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscharsets TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscolumns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscomments TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysconfigures TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysconstraints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscurconfigs TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscursorcolumns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscursorrefs TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscursors TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syscursortables TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysdepends TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysdevices TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysfilegroups TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysfiles TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysforeignkeys TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysfulltextcatalogs TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysindexes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysindexkeys TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syslanguages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syslockinfo TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syslogins TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysmembers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysmessages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysobjects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysoledbusers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysopentapes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysperfinfo TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syspermissions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysprocesses TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysprotects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysreferences TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysremotelogins TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.syssegments TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysservers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_internals_allocation_units TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_internals_partition_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_internals_partitions TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_objects TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_parameters TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_sql_modules TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.system_views TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.systypes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.sysusers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.tables TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.tcp_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.trace_categories TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.trace_columns TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.trace_event_bindings TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.trace_events TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.trace_subclass_values TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.traces TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.transmission_queue TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.trigger_events TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.triggers TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.type_assembly_usages TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.types TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.user_token TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.via_endpoints TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.views TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_indexes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_attributes TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_collections TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_component_placements TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_components TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_elements TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_facets TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_model_groups TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_namespaces TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_types TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces TO public

     REVOKE SELECT ON sys.xml_schema_wildcards TO public

    Best Regards

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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