Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement

  • The error message:

    Server: Msg 601, Level 12, State 6, Line 1

    Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.

    We have an intranet solution running on Stellent and have a

    non-Stellent solution for notifying users of updated content.

    In order to release an e-mail for updated content we have

    created some stored procedures.

    Because an input document (CMSdDocName) can have multiple

    output documents (dDocName) we only want to notify the user

    once for each updated content and not for each output file itself.

    The sproc iterates through a temp table which is populated with

    a list of documents that where updated since the last time the

    sproc was run.

    All duplicate entries for the output documents (CMSdDocName)

    should be reduced to one entry, ensuring that the user/subscriber

    is notified only once.

    Some times the sproc runs successfully and other times it fails with

    the above error message. I have narrowed the error down to the

    following part of the sproc by entering debug/print statements.

    Select @dLastNotify = convert(dateTime, sValue) from xCsoConfig where sName = 'dLastSubscriptionUpdate'
    insert into #TempNewDok (dDocName, dID, CMSdDocName) 
        select R.dDocName, R.dID, D.xDocName from Revisions R
        Inner join DocMeta D on R.Did = D.Did Inner join CMS.dbo.DocumentHistory dh on D.xDocRevisionID = dh.did
        where R.dReleaseDate Between @dLastNotify and @DateTarget and (dh.dAction = 'Checkin' and dactiondate > @dLastNotify)
        and D.xPageNumber = 0 and R.dDocName not like 'ni_%' and R.dDocName not like 'bn_%' and R.dDocType not like 'web_graphic'
    -- Über Dokumente von der gleichen CMS-ID nur einmal informieren
    declare dup_cur cursor local 
    for select CMSdDocName,count(*) from #TempNewDok group by CMSdDocName having count(*) > 1
        open dup_cur
            fetch next from dup_cur into @schluessel,@anz
            while (@@fetch_status = 0)
     set @anz = @anz - 1
     select @vSQL = 'DELETE #TempNewDok FROM 
    (SELECT TOP ' + convert(varchar, @anz) + ' * 
    FROM #TempNewDok with (nolock) where CMSdDocName = ''' + @schluessel + ''')  
    AS t1 WHERE #TempNewDok.dId = t1.did'
     print 'before executing script: '
     print @vSQL
     Execute (@vSQL)
     print 'after executing script: '
     print @vSQL
       Set @anz = 0
          fetch next from  dup_cur into @schluessel,@anz
    close dup_cur
    deallocate dup_cur

    In instances where the sproc fails the temp table #TempNewDok contains content similar to this:

    TABLE #tempnewdok
    ID          dDocName                               dID         CMSdDocName             
    ----------- -------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------
    1           id_4244DE                              803634      4244DE
    2           id_4243DE                              804054      4243DE
    3           id_805EN                               804074      805EN
    4           id_805DE                               804075      805DE
    5           id_3950DE                              805538      3950DE
    6           id_3952DE                              805990      3952DE
    7           id_3952EN                              805991      3952EN
    8           id_23271DE                             806058      23271DE
    9           id_15645DE                             806238      15645DE
    10          id_15645EN                             806239      15645EN
    11          id_494DE                               806245      494DE
    12          id_17688DE                             811307      17688DE
    13          id_17692DE                             812393      17692DE
    14          id_17683DE                             812394      17683DE
    15          id_17696DE                             813028      17696DE
    16          Frm_BUDD_CT_TNODE                      814102      Frm_BUDD_CT_TNODE
    17          Frm_buifs_pcbestordde                  814331      Frm_buifs_pcbestordde
    18          sc_10850DE                             816603      10850DE
    19          sc_10850EN                             816604      10850EN
    20          sc_11997DE                             816722      11997DE
    21          sc_12883DE                             816725      12883DE
    22          sc_5353DE                              816789      5353DE
    23          sc_Edo_rgel1en                         816960      Edo_rgel1en
    24          sc_Edo_rgel1de                         816961      Edo_rgel1de
    25          sc_Edo_mddoen                          816990      Edo_mddoen
    26          sc_Edo_mddode                          816991      Edo_mddode
    27          sc_Edo_rgel4de                         817041      Edo_rgel4de
    28          sc_Edo_rgel4en                         817086      Edo_rgel4en
    29          sc_Edo_mddmen                          817120      Edo_mddmen
    30          sc_Edo_mddmde                          817123      Edo_mddmde
    31          sc_Edo_mmujen                          818060      Edo_mmujen
    32          sc_Edo_mmujde                          818061      Edo_mmujde
    33          sc_27771EN                             818064      27771EN
    34          sc_27771DE                             818065      27771DE
    35          sc_Edo_mfvhen                          818085      Edo_mfvhen
    36          sc_Edo_mfvhde                          818086      Edo_mfvhde
    37          sc_Edo_mvsqde                          818133      Edo_mvsqde
    38          sc_Edo_mvsqen                          818134      Edo_mvsqen
    39          sc_Edo_msdgde                          818206      Edo_msdgde
    40          sc_Edo_msdgen                          818207      Edo_msdgen
    41          sc_28422EN                             818208      28422EN
    42          sc_28422DE                             818209      28422DE
    43          sc_19173DE                             818224      19173DE
    44          sc_19171DE                             818225      19171DE
    45          Aut_HW005DE                            826030      Aut_HW005DE
    46          20960EN                                827486      20960EN
    47          20960DE                                827487      20960DE
    48          19173DE                                829377      19173DE
    49          sc_29244DE                             832078      29244DE
    50          sc_29244EN                             832079      29244EN
    51          sc_30319DE                             833820      30319DE
    52          3952DE                                 834699      3952DE
    53          3952EN                                 834700      3952EN

    With the above data, the delete statement in the sproc executed

    by the Execute (@vSQL) part fails while trying to delete the

    recordset with ID 43.

    The statement executed is:

    DELETE #TempNewDok FROM (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #TempNewDok with (nolock) 
    where CMSdDocName = '11791DE')  AS t1 WHERE #TempNewDok.dId = t1.did

    My questions are:

    1. What am I overlooking?

    2. Are there any syntax errors in the statement?

    3. Does the cursor dup_cur for deleting duplicate entries have

    to be defined differently?

    I do realize that I am trying to manipulate data which is being

    read by the dup_cur cursor, but I am unsure how to overcome

    the issue.

    I have tried defining the cursor with STATIC and READ_ONLY,

    but even then the sproc fails to execute correctly.

    Thanks for your feedback anyway. If you need more info let me know.

    - hot2use

    Searching the KB articles is like
    picking your nose. You never know
    what you'll find.

  • Try:

    insert into #TempNewDok (dDocName, dID, CMSdDocName)

    select D.Did


    from DocMeta D

     join Revisions R on D.Did = R.Did

     join  CMS.dbo.DocumentHistory dh on D.xDocRevisionID = dh.did

    where D.Did = (select max(D1.Did)

      from DocMeta D1

      where D1.xDocName = D.xDocName)

     and R.dReleaseDate Between @dLastNotify and @DateTarget

     and dh.dAction = 'Checkin'

     and dactiondate > @dLastNotify

     and D.xPageNumber = 0

     and R.dDocName not like 'ni_%'

     and R.dDocName not like 'bn_%'

     and R.dDocType <> 'web_graphic'


  • Hi Ken

    Thanks for your feedback. If I understand your statement correctly,

    the sproc would be populating the temp table only with the maximum

    values for each given dID?

    I wasn't looking for the real cause of the problem at the beginning and

    came up with the following quick 'n dirty solution:

    select * into #TempNewDok2 from #TempNewDok
    -- Inserts the duplicate data into an identical table
    -- Über Dokumente von der gleichen CMS-ID nur einmal informieren
    declare dup_cur cursor local
    for select CMSdDocName,count(*) from #TempNewDok2 group by CMSdDocName having count(*) > 1
        open dup_cur
            fetch next from dup_cur into @schluessel,@anz
            while (@@fetch_status = 0)
     set @anz = @anz - 1
     -- here i delete the duplicate data from the temp table using the exact twin
    select @vSQL = 'DELETE #TempNewDok FROM 
    (SELECT TOP ' + convert(varchar, @anz) + ' * 
    FROM #TempNewDok2 where CMSdDocName = ''' + @schluessel + ''')  
    AS t1 WHERE #TempNewDok.dId = t1.did'
     Execute (@vSQL)
       Set @anz = 0
          fetch next from  dup_cur into @schluessel,@anz
    close dup_cur
    deallocate dup_cur

    Because I was looking for a quick solution (productive environment,

    not my code) it didn't spring to mind that populating the temp

    table with only the required data would be the better solution.

    Cheers. I'll give it a spin and see what happens. Will let you know.

    - hot2use

    Searching the KB articles is like
    picking your nose. You never know
    what you'll find.

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