uninstalling SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition


    Someone installed SQL Server 2000 Standard on one of our Application Servers and now I need to change all of the default locations for the datafiles, logfiles, error log files, etc...     I have moved System DBs to new locations before - but in this case, I think it might be easier to just uninstall MS Sql Server 2000 Standard Edition and reinstall it with the correct parameters.

    Does anyone have any input on this??   Will my Server require a reboot if I uninstall SQL Server??     

  • Try http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290991/en-us



  • First of all, you do not have to uninstall SQL Server. You are right it is easier to re-install SQL Server. If you would like to move database locations, you may reference the website, http://www.cryer.co.uk/brian/sqlserver/howto_movedatabasefile.htm

    If you would like to re-install SQL Server, here are the steps I would recommend.

    Stop SQL Server service;

    Remove databases new folder;

    Uninstall SQL Server if you want (reboot is needed to clean up registry);

    Install SQL Server;

    Attached your databases.


  • How to move SQL Server databases to a new location by using Detach and Attach functions in SQL Server


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • To change default db and log file locations:

    In Enterprise MGR right click the server, select properties, click database settings, at the bottom you can change your default locations.

    Then detach and re-attach your existing dbs.


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