March 7, 2007 at 5:25 am
I am having some trouble with an sql statement and I’m just wondering if anyone could help me I have a ScoutingReport table that stores player-scouting info such as the matchId, coachId and playerId.
The logic is
Same ScoutedPersonId, ScoutId and MatchId is a single report regardless of type but if there is a different scout or match then it is counted as another report and each player in the count must have at least one Individual report
This is the layout of what I am trying to achieve
Times Seen Players Count View
1 44 View
2 101 View
3 78 View
4 66 View
5 35 View
6 24 View
7 11 View
8 7 View
9 8 View
10 15 View
10+ 12 View
Here is what I have at the moment with any help would be appreciated.
count(distinct convert(varchar, sr.MatchId) + '-' + convert(varchar, sr.ScoutId)) as 'IndCount'
from ScoutingReport sr
Where sr.Type = 0 -- individual reports
Group By sr.ScoutedPersonId
--Having count(distinct convert(varchar, sr.MatchId) + '-' + convert(varchar, sr.ScoutId)) = 1
Order By sr.ScoutedPersonId
Thanks in advance
March 7, 2007 at 1:18 pm
There are 2 problems here, getting distinct views per player , then pivoting those results into 11 distinct "buckets". There are ways to dynamically pivot, but since you have a fixed number of buckets, a derived table of the 11 options can probably suffice.
Select Case
When TimeSeenBucket = -1 Then '10+'
Else Cast(TimeSeenBucket As varchar)
End As TimesSeen,
Count(*) As PlayersCount
-- Derived table to count times seen per player
Select ScoutedPersonID, Sum(TimesSeen) As TimesSeen
Select Distinct ScoutedPersonID, ScoutID, MatchID, Cast (1 As int) As TimesSeen
From ScoutingReport
) dt
Group By ScoutedPersonID
) dtPlayers
Inner Join
-- Join to derived table to generate the 11 pivot buckets
Select 1 As TimesSeenBucket Union All
Select 2 Union All
Select 3 Union All
Select 4 Union All
Select 5 Union All
Select 6 Union All
Select 7 Union All
Select 8 Union All
Select 9 Union All
Select 10 Union All
Select -1
) dtBuckets
On ( dtBuckets.TimesSeenBucket = dtPlayers.TimesSeen Or
(dtBuckets.TimesSeenBucket = -1 And dtPlayers.TimesSeen > 10)
Group By dtBuckets.TimesSeenBucket
March 8, 2007 at 1:10 am
Another way how to do the same: build the query step by step, from "inside" - first get distinct reports only ("Reports"), then count the number of reports for each player ("Sums"), and as last step calculate how many players have what count of reports (result).
SELECT CASE WHEN Sums.TimesReported < 11 THEN CAST(Sums.TimesReported AS VARCHAR(3))
ELSE '10+' END as TimesSeen,
COUNT(*) as PlayersCount
(SELECT Reports.ScoutedPersonID, COUNT(*) as TimesReported
(SELECT DISTINCT ScoutedPersonID, ScoutID, MatchID FROM ScoutingReport) as Reports
GROUP BY Reports.ScoutedPersonID) as Sums
GROUP BY CASE WHEN Sums.TimesReported < 11 THEN CAST(Sums.TimesReported AS VARCHAR(3))
ELSE '10+' END
You will probably want to order the resultset, which is not as easy as it seems because the TimesSeen is character type, not number. If you could display numbers between 1 and 9 with a leading zero, it would be fine; otherwise you'll probably need to add another column for ordering. Anyway, I suppose you will use this query to create a view, which should be unordered, and the ordering applied when selecting from it.
March 8, 2007 at 7:41 am
well im impressed guys theyr both perfect thanks a million its really appreciated...... this query will just be displayed in a datagrid on page fairly basic stuff except for the query
so out of interest how exactly do u guys get to be this good at sql is it practice or alot of reading or what??? any advice or rec reading
March 8, 2007 at 9:17 am
You're welcome! For me it is mainly practice (reading BOL included here), reading the articles and posts here on SQL Server Central to get new ideas and find out which seemingly great ideas are useless in long run.
Well, and of course books help, too . Advice? Read posts that ask for help (including old, long solved questions), try to find a solution yourself, then read posted solutions and compare them with yours. Find out what is good and what bad in each solution. Create the necessary tables in your database with some sample data, and test, test, test.
March 8, 2007 at 9:23 am
BOL??? even tho i know im gonna kick myself when u tell me
March 8, 2007 at 9:26 am
BOL = BooksOnLine = SQL Server Help files
March 8, 2007 at 9:31 am
ya i def should have know that ill def have to check in here more regularly so and try and get an education
ok cool thanks again man
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