How to run IDL file to create a SQL Server 2005 database schema.

  • I have been given an IDL script file to create a SQL server 2005 database schema. The script also populates some of the database tables that are created by the script. The problem I am having is that I don't have any idea as to the proper way to run the script. Here are some of the questions I have.

    Where on my hard drive do I place the script before running it. Does it need to be in a special directory?

    Do I need SQL server 2005 up and running when I run the script?

    Is their a special command I need to run the script? I am assuming that you just type the name of the script at the command line, and then hit enter. Then the script will activate.


    Will someone please help me out?

    Thank you,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure what type of file you were given but if it is to be used to CREATE objects on the database server then using SQLCMD utility will work to get the file read into the should be located here:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn

    SQLCMD utility:

    Hope this helps...Michelle

  • And YES, you will need SQL 2005 up and running if the script is expected to create objects in the database instance.


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