Save MHTML to SQL Server

  • I have a problem that I am hoping someone can help me with. We have a need to keep a historical record of some of our web pages. I know that it is possible to save web pages with a MHT extension in Access. I would like to be able to store the web pages in SQL Server 2005 instead. If someoone has a solution to efficiently save these pages in SQL Server 2005, your help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Thanks for directing me to this Textcopy article. It seems like it may be appropriate for my situation. I set up a test to confirm that this approach would work for me, but I ran into some security issues. I received the following error message:


    Executed as user: NA\db_admin. TEXTCOPY Version 1.0  DB-Library version 8.00.2039SQL Server 'USMKEAPPS154\STG' Message 18456: Login failed for user 'NA\cnwhite'. (Concerning line 1)  DB-Library Error 10003: Login incorrect.  ERROR: Could not connect to SQL Server 'usmkeapps154\stg'.  Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.

    The table I am attempting to access is on a named instance of SQL Server 2005. The id I am using has access to the table and all of the available server roles. If you could provide any advice on resolving this security issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you are using integrated security to log into the sql server then leave out the /U and /P as they would be interpreted as SQL logins

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