Save file to table in TSQL

  • In TSQL, is it possible to grab a file from a folder and store it in a table? And vise vera, export a file that is stored in a record to a given folder? If so, how? I can't seem to find code on this anywhere.

    Maybe it would be using sp_OAMethod or something like that.

    Thank you,


  • You can use the new BULK option in OPENROWSET in sql 2005 to easily load files to database. E.g. loading the content of file C:\Test\Orders.txt to a variable:

    DECLARE @Text nvarchar(max)


    @Text=CAST(BulkColumn as xml) FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\Test\Orders.txt', SINGLE_BLOB) A



  • Thank you for the help. That did not work for me, but helped me get there. This worked...

    Now I need to know how to go back the other way and get it out to a new location, but with the file completely intact. The OPENROWSET does not seem to have an export equivalent, and I can't get bcp to export it intact, it messes the file all up.


    INTO TestTable..Test(FileName, FileType, Document)

    SELECT 'Alert.xls' AS FileName, '.xls' AS FileType,

    * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'd:\SqlTemp\Reports\Alert.xls',SINGLE_BLOB) AS Document

  • Use this link:

    Or for text file:


    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql.exe -S Server -U sa -P password -d database -Q "Select * From test" -o "C:\output.txt"'

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