Remove unwanted page breaks

  • I have created a relatively simple table report with 3 groups. Eventually I want to make it a drill down report but at this stage I have hidden every row (Visibility hidden = True) except the group 1 footer. However when I preview the report I get 3 pages, one for each group 1 footer. When I deploy the report and view it from Report Manager I get 4 pages. The first shows only the table header and the next 3 pages show the 3 different values for the group 1 footer.

    I am using Reporting Services 2000 and SQL Server 2000.

    I have checked carefully every group and none of them have any checks in either "page break at start" or "page break at end", so I do not understand why these page breaks are occurring. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of them?



  • I don't know why your report is forcing page breaks on group.  I could look at your RDL if you wanted, and let you know if I see anything.

    But, in general...

    Visibility often indicates whether something is rendered or not -- not whether the element content is physically calculated or "exists" in the report.

    For example, there might be code invoked in a container, I think that even if the content is hidden this code would probably run. Visibility (or hiding) may only work on some types of content, also.  It would not make sense for the code or calculations for an element to be run for XML or Excel output but not run for HTML output. 

    I think, therefore, that visibility in RS is similar to visibility in an HTML style attribute, in that it might not prevent an element from taking up space, either. 

    It looks as though RS places heavy stress on the "hidden/visible" feature as a thing to be toggled (collapse/expand content).  If this is correct, then perhaps the page breaks are calculated on the basis of fully-visible content; this would make sense if they are figuring that all hidden content could potentially be un-hid.

    In HTML you often use display:none not visibility:hidden when you want an element not to take up space, rather than just affecting its rendering.  There might be something you could do that would be similar in RS, since your hiding is not conditional at this stage.  For example, perhaps you could set the row height to 0 rather than worrying about its visibility.

    You might also want to try a trick to force all content into one page for HTML delivery purposes ("up" the page height).  Remember that, once the thing is rendered to the browser, the browser is in charge of page breaks anyway and if your large page needs breaks, the browser is going to decide where to put them, which may have absolutely nothing to do with where you put your page footers.  There are all kinds of dependencies here, based on the recipient's current printer, the browser doing the rendering, etc.





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