All Parameter Query - Data from Access Db

  • Reporting Services All Parameter Query


    Trying to obtain data from an Access 2002 database, either a single specific item or All records.


    The selection is working against an Autonumber Int field and does not return data for the “ALL” part of the query although this structure works in SQL Server.  What needs to be amended to obtain the data from Access?









    SELECT     ContractorId, Contractor

    FROM         tblContractor


    SELECT     - 1, '< ALL > '

    FROM         tblcontractor

    ORDER BY Contractor







    SELECT     tblContractor.*, tblContractorAdrs.ContractorAddressLine1, tblContractorAdrs.ContractorAddressLine2, tblContractorAdrs.ContractorAddressLine3,

                          tblContractorAdrs.ContractorAddressLine4, tblContractorAdrs.ContractorAddressLine5, tblContractorAdrs.ContractorPostCode,

                          tblContractor.SapVendID AS Expr1, tblContractor.ContractorId AS ConId

    FROM         (tblContractor INNER JOIN

                          tblContractorAdrs ON tblContractor.SapVendID = tblContractorAdrs.SapVendID)

    WHERE     (tblContractor.ContractorId = ?) OR

                          (tblContractor.ContractorId = - 1)

  • I think the problem is in your WHERE clause. In SQL (so this could be different for Access as we use named parameters not '?') your clasue would be

    WHERE (tblContractor.ContractorId = @MyParam) OR

    (@MyParam = -1)

    I'm not sure if this will stand up under 'un-named' parameters as you'd need two question marks which would normally indicate that ytou have two parameters. I gues you could always set the value of parm2 = value of parm1.

    An alternative could be to use dynamica sql in the report i.e use the generic query designer and then use an if statement to paste the where clause if it's required. Sort of like

    ="select ..... from myTable" & If(Parameters!myParm.Value -1, " WHERE ContractorID = " & Parameters!myParm.Value, "")

    So basically add the where clause if the parm has a value other than -1 (the 'All') otherwise just append a zero length string to the query (effectively making it no where clause).


  • Thank you for your suggestion Steve.

    I have it working now after doing the following, because ODBC connections do not support named parameters.


    DROP DOWN DATA (Key field text)

    Select field1, field2, from table UNION Select 'All', 'All', from table


    Select ... FROM ... WHERE field = ? or ? = 'ALL'


    two report parameters are created, map both query parameter sto the same one by click on the .... , parameters tab and change the second one to be mapped to the same report parameter as the first

    Parameter mapping:

    row 1, name field = ?, value field =  = Parameters!Parameter1.value

    row 2, name field = Parameters!Parameter2.value , value field =

    = Parameters!Parameter1.value

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