Scheduling a SSIS package

  • Can anyone please help me out with this problem. Like in sql 2000 if we have a DTS package we can schedule it as a sql job. IS there anything similar on sql 2005? I created a DTS package using SSIS and am now trying to scehdule it as a sql job but not sure where to start from.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Thanks for the response. I am able to set up a job to run the DTS package. I tried all 3 cases of selecting the DTs, FileSystem, SQL Server, Package Store but unfortunately it isnt loading the package. The log doesnt say anything in detail except "The package could not be loaded." or "Package execution failed" . Is it possibel to log message to know what excatly is failing or any other solution to this problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • An SSIS package does not run when you call the SSIS package from a SQL Server Agent job step


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • I've found that, if I save the package in BIDS as a "copy of a ..." package, and then save it to package location "SQL Server", identify the server, and name the package path (I just put in the name of the package), then I can pull it up in a job step.



  • I use metod1 from article and it works just fine.  Good luck.

    P.S. My ssis packages are stored on the server


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