truncating transaction log problem

  • hy i am rashid zaib

    i have problem in backing up database

    my transaction log is full

    when i use the staement to truncate the log

    backup log databasename  with truncate_only

    dbcc shrinkfile('dbname_log')

    i recieve the message 2023 the database must be serialized what is meant by this

    can any one help me to solve this problem

    RAGHU i dont have any idea of isolation pls solve my problem all

    condition i have tell you

    thanks for your response

    thank you very much


  • Hi Rashid,

    Did you include any isloation level for your database that ur trying to take the backup?


    Raghu Pyapili



  • Perhaps if you post the exact backup statement(s) and error(s), it will help people get a better understanding.  You might also include the results of sp_helpdb

  • Hi,

    Rashid, How many people are using the Database,If many are using it you need to recheck the Transaction Locking behaviour of your transactions


    Raghu Pyapili



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