new DTS user question.

  • Hi everyone,

    I am trying to use DTS for the first time and am having some issues

    I am sent a dump file from SAP in CSV format that I need to import into a user table (tb_users) on a SQL2k Box.

    For the most part it is a simple matter of matching up source-destination fields.

    But I have two instances of information that will require the same process to successfully update the tb_users table as I require.

    tb_users.role is a FK/PK to

    there is also tb_user_roles.description that loosely matches a field in the CSV.

    for clarity lets call it csv.user_role

    So what I need to do is soemthing like.

    if csv.user_role = 'this value'

    myvar = 1

    set tb_users.role, myvar

    I have 8 roles defined in my tb_user_roles table so I realise I will need to go through this process 8 times.

    it seems simpe enough, but I do not know how to use DTS to get the processing to work

    Appreciate anyone's comments / ideas - thanks.

    Gavin Baumanis

    Smith and Wesson. The original point and click device.

  • In general it is better to think in terms of getting the data into SQL first, if necessary into an intermediate table that mirrors the csv. Once in a SQL table you can put the tricky stuff into SQL coding.

  • I agree with Juliekenny.  Import the csv file into a staging table then use an UPDATE statement to join the staging table to tb_users and update the role column.



  • Thanks to you both...

    Nice. simple and easy to implement.

    Why overcomoplicate things - if you don't need to.


    Appreciate the assistance.

    Gavin Baumanis

    Smith and Wesson. The original point and click device.

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