November 15, 2006 at 10:57 am
I have a simple query using an arithmetic expression that should have results in the decimal places. Instead it's rounding the decimal places to zero. Here's a simplified version of the query:
declare @Size real
et @Size = 2464 * 8 / 1024
select @Size
select cast(@Size as real)
Here's the actual query:
If Object_Id('tempdb..#DBSizes') is Not Null
Drop table #DBSizes
create table #DBSizes (
size decimal(18,2),
sizeMB decimal(18,2),
maxsize real,
name nvarchar(30),
filename nvarchar(260)
Exec sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #DBSizes Select cast(size as decimal(18,2)),cast((size*8)/1024 as decimal(18,2)),maxsize,name,filename From ?..sysfiles '
select * from #DBSizes
Does anybody have any great ideas?
November 15, 2006 at 11:09 am
If the accuracy of a FLOAT is alright, then just force a FLOAT by adding a decimal point to one of the numbers.
eg. set @Size = 2464.0 * 8 / 1024
If you want to use decimals, eg money, you need to cast to the accuracy required at each stage of the calculation. This can get nasty.
November 15, 2006 at 11:11 am
Thanks so much! It's those stupid things that get you...
November 15, 2006 at 11:36 am
That's why it's called a Gotcha .
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