Average Maximum and Minimum from 6 text boxes

  • Average Maximum and Minimum from 6 text boxes


    A form where there is automaticly inserted 6 width demntions in a float data type.  I only need to store in the table the Average Maximum and Minimum of these numbers.


    I am using vba to get the Average


    Private Sub ThickAvg_GotFocus()

    Me.ThickAvg = (Me.Thick1 + Me.Thick2 + Me.Thick3 + Me.Thick4 + Me.Thick5 + Me.Thick6) / 6

    End Sub


    I do not know how to get the Maximum and Minimum. 


    I think a better way would be to put thick1-6 in an array and then use a vba function but I have not found a function to use.


    Please help


    ersonName>Cory McRaeersonName>

  • if you put all 6 in a array, you can use a sorting algorithm to order them from low to high.


    Average maximum=average of the 3 highest numbers, average minimum=average 3 lowest numbers?

  • Here's a little function that will find the minimum...

    Public Function Min(ParamArray Numbers())
    Dim i As Integer
        i = LBound(Numbers)
        Min = Numbers(i)
        i = i + 1
        Do While i <= UBound(Numbers)
            Min = IIf(Min < Numbers(i), Min, Numbers(i))
            i = i + 1
    End Function

    Swap min to max and < to > for a max function. Just call it with:

    Me!ThickMin = Min(Me!Thick1, Me!Thick2, Me!Thick3, Me!Thick4, Me!Thick5, Me!Thick6) 

    Note also you should use ! for members of a collection and . for properties and methods of an object.

  • Thank you,


    For your suggestions I am very new to VBA I will try both over the next day or two and post what I end up using


    Cory McRae

  • This is what I decided to use

    Dim Min As Double

    Min = Me.Thick1

    Min = IIf(Min > Me.Thick2, Me.Thick2, Min)

    Min = IIf(Min > Me.Thick3, Me.Thick3, Min)

    Min = IIf(Min > Me.Thick4, Me.Thick4, Min)

    Min = IIf(Min > Me.Thick5, Me.Thick5, Min)

    Min = IIf(Min > Me.Thick6, Me.Thick6, Min)

    Me.ThickMin = Min


    Thanks for all of your help this group is great

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