Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file

  • I'm doing a subscription and on the bulk insert I recieve this error: 

    Command attempted:

    select * from "dbo"."UnitProcessDate" where 1 = 2

    (Transaction sequence number: 0x000098F60000043C002600000021, Command ID: 143)

    Error messages:

    Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file (Source: CF-4KKSA79484, Error number: S1000)

    Get help: http://help/S1000

    Function sequence error (Source: ODBC SQL Server Driver, Error number: S1010)

    Get help: http://help/S1010

    Has anyone else come across this?  Any guidance or help anyone could give me I'd greatly appreciate it!

  • Could it be that because there is no data selected the BCP isn't sure how to handle it or that the schema it is expecting in the file doesn't match because there is no data?



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  • The BCP files appear fine when I look at them.  It seems like the errors are happening very randomly and when I manually re-run the replication snapshot jobs they run successfully.


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