Help on SS2005 RS Help file : Specify stored credentials

  • I have SQL Server and RS running.  I have posted a report to it, and not working on schedules and notifications.  The report I created does not have "stored credentials".

    I found the help under

    To specify stored credentials for a report-specific data source:

    1. In Object Explorer, navigate to a report node. Expand the report item.

    What application are you in when you go to "Object Explorer".  I am missing the tab, or missing the menu, or just blind (most likely case).




  • You do this on the reporting services web site. Go to the report click on the report and then click on the properties tab at the top. Click on the data sources tab on the right hand side of the screen. Click on either a custom data source (If you have one set up) or a custom data source. The custom data source will allow you to store your credentials. Click on the Credentials stored securely button and then enter your login and password. Also be sure to check the box to use as windows credentials when connecting to the server.




  • Got it, THANKS!

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