shrinking the database?

  • hi, can anyone tell me if i shrik my DATABASE file (MDF), how much chance of loosing any data. is there any such a chance or not in case of replicated database.?



  • Shrinking a database file should not result in any data loss. As far as I know SQL Server will apply appropriate locks during the shrink. I have never lost any data as a result of shrinking a database. There is also an option for each database in the Properties to set the database to auto shrink. Again I have used this and never lost any data

    In the case of a replicated database given that you have at least 2 databases if you shrink one I would be fairly comfortable with the fact that there will be no data lost on the database you haven't touched

  • what is really important to consider is if you REALLY need to shrink your database. It takes time, and it fragments tables and indexes.

    also Auto-shrink is not recommended because of performance implications.

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