UDF table lookup to override returned value of function

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to modify a UDF that calculates whether or not a datetime value falls on a business day, or a weekend day/holiday. It was suggested by the original author that I could create an additional lookup within the UDF so that it overrides my WorkDayType value by checking a holiday table.

    Here's the code:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[CORE_udfBusinessDayTime]


        @dt DateTime,

        @TimeType tinyint  -- @timetype 0 = start, 1 = end


    RETURNS DateTime




            @BOD DateTime,

            @DayOfWeek int,

            @WorkDayType tinyint

        -- day of week is 1-7, Sunday=1 (by default,

        -- unless SET DATEFIRST has been called)

        SET @DayOfWeek = DATEPART( dw, @dt )

        -- get the type of workday:

        -- 0=regular full business day, 6:30AM to 3:30PM

        -- 1=short business day (Sat. or short working day), 7AM-11AM

        -- 2=not a business day (Sun. or holiday)

        SET @WorkDayType=

            CASE @DayOfWeek

                WHEN 1 THEN 2

                WHEN 7 THEN 1

                ELSE 0


        -- TODO: add support for holidays by doing an additional

        -- lookup on @dt, getting an overrridden WorkDayType from

        -- table for special days


        IF @WorkDayType=2

            RETURN NULL

        -- get beginning of day

        SET @BOD=CONVERT(CHAR(10), @dt, 101)

        -- TODO: put times in table


          CASE @TimeType

            WHEN 0 THEN  -- start of workday

              CASE @WorkDayType

                WHEN 1 THEN DATEADD( hh, 7, @BOD )

                ELSE DATEADD( mi, 30, DATEADD( hh, 6, @BOD ))


            ELSE  -- end of workday

              CASE @WorkDayType

                WHEN 1 THEN DATEADD( hh, 11, @BOD )

                ELSE DATEADD( mi, 30, DATEADD( hh, 15, @BOD ))





    I thought it might be similar to how the times could be stored in a table, and  I've been experimenting by creating a "holidays" table, as suggested... but am not sure how to add a subquery to override the WorkDayType based upon the values of that table.

    Can anyone suggest how I can do this?

  • Try something like this:

    create table holiday(holiday datetime primary key)

    insert holiday values ('01 Jan 2006')

    insert holiday values ('25 Dec 2006')


    --in your function add

    if exists(select * from holiday where holiday = DATEADD(DD, 0, DATEDIFF(DD, 0, @dt)))

      set @WorkDayType = 2

  • That worked perfectly! Thank you!

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