Count Distinct...

  • Hi - I have a basic SQL question, if anyone can help, I would really appreciate it!

    I've got a table with a primary key that is an incremental field and there is an accountID and one of the many fields is a coded lookup of statusID.  An account can have many entries and I want to count the number of records of each status type for a given account.

    I've tried

    select count (distinct CurrentStatusID) from myTable where AccountID = 2 - but this just tells me how many unique statuss exist - not how many of each.

    My sample data is:

    primarykey   acctid   statusid

    1                   2       1

    2                   2       1

    3                   2       2

    4                   2       3


    I'm wanting a query that results in:

    statusid     count

    1                2

    2                1

    3                1


    Any help is appreciated.  Thanks so much.

  • something like this?

    DECLARE @t table (primarykey int, acctid int, statusid int)

    insert into @t values (1, 2, 1)

    insert into @t values (2, 2, 1)

    insert into @t values (3,2, 2)

    insert into @t values (4, 2, 3)

    select statusid, count(*) from @t

    group by statusid

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

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