Where clause with variable

  • Hai all, I need some advise from you all and thank before

    I have accbalance table, structure below:

    No.(char 3) myYear(decimal 4,0) Balance(money)

    001  2006   1000

    001  2007   2000

    001  2008   3000

    002  2006   4000

    002  2007   5000

    003  2008   6000

    I have datetime parameter @date

    I need to select records with year equal year from @date parameter


    select * from accBalance where myYear = year(@date)

    but command failed with error :

    failed to convert value from datetime to decimal

    when i change @date with getdate(), command run properly

    Please advise... thanks


    Sandi Antono

  • The following procedure works.  You need to Cast the datetime variable @date to decimal to fit the datatype in your accbalance table.



    procedure SelectByYear


    as smalldatetime



    no, myyear, balance from



    myyear = Cast(@date as decimal)


    selectbyyear 2008

    Keith Risman


  • The following code works - how is yours different?  The year function is exactly what you want to use.

    You do not want to cast the datetime variable to decimal...  DateTimes are stored as a number of days since 1Jan1900 (although I routinely get date 0 = 30/12/1899?  Ignore that anyhow ).  Times of the day are stored as a fraction of a day.  Thus converting to a decimal will not give a year but will give a number of days.

    create table #x(
     [no] char(3),
     myYear decimal(4,0),
      balance money
    insert into #x([no], myYear, balance)
    '001',  2006,   1000
    UNION ALL select
    '001',  2007,   2000
    UNION ALL select
    '001',  2008,   3000
    UNION ALL select
    '002',  2006,   4000
    UNION ALL select
    '002',  2007,   5000
    UNION ALL select
    '003',  2008,   6000
    declare @date datetime
    set @date='2006-06-20'
    select * from #x
    where myYear=year(@date)
    drop table #x
  • It's working when run from stor procedure by try this one:

    right click on the table and choise open table

    put the code and run.....????  or create dataadapter on c# put the select then preview....?????

    bug??? or something??

  • Ian's code works fine on my SQL Server 2000 SP4.

    If your interface is complaining about comparing int with Decimal(4,0), cast the Year() function to Decimal(4,0):

    select *

      from accBalance

     where myYear = Cast(Year(@date) as Decimal(4,0))


  • There appears to be problem with the actual data stored in the variable @date.  I ran the below statement and it works just fine...

    Can you post the results of "Select @date"

    This works (it's the same as what was originally posted as problem.)

    create table tblTest (Num char(3),MyYear decimal(4,0),balance money)

    insert into tbltest select '001',2006,20.98

    insert into tbltest select '002',2006,201.98

    insert into tbltest select '003',2003,203.98

    insert into tbltest select '004',2002,204.98

    insert into tbltest select '005',2001,205.98

    insert into tbltest select '006',2000,206.98

    DECLARE @date datetime

    set @date = '2006/06/22'

    select * from tblTest where MyYear = year(@date)


  • Thank to you all guys,

    Maybe i must install latest service pack first (i using sql server 2005)

    for temporary i used this command:


    (year AS decimal) = CAST(YEAR(@date)



    Sandi Antono


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