Multi-Value parameters

  • How can I send a multi-value parameter to a stored procedure and, once sent, how do I interrogate it in T-SQL? Has anyone tried this?

  • Search the forum for a "list split" function. Preferably a function that returns a resultset with all parameters numbered.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Jon

    Pass the parameter just like you would any other.  Procedure needs to define the value as varchar, as it's simply a comma delimited string.  Trick is to parse this string into a table that you can then join to, or use in an IN ( clause.  For that task I created a function that returns a table.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thanks Mike. I can see the table/join approach should be possible, but the neater

    if @var in (@paramlist)

    doesn't seem to work. Or am I using the wrong syntax?



  • @var in (@parmlist) will not work as it is sending the parameter as a single delimited string, such as 'value1,value2,value3', and not as 'value1','value2','value3'.

  • Thanks Joe. Whilst we might know better than that (!) we seem to be forced into doing it to get round the problem of a parameter which comes out of Reporting Services as a comma delimited string of values...

  • if @var in (@paramlist)  This will work if you place your query in the report as text, but not in a procedure.


  • Hi Jon,

    You just need to parse the string in your stored procedure. For example:

    --Create a procedure and run it:

    CREATE PROCEDURE proc_test

     @p1 varchar(60)


    declare @var1 varchar(30), @var2 varchar(30), @var3 varchar(30),

            @var4 varchar(30), @var5 varchar(30), @var6 varchar(30)

    declare @work varchar(60), @Pointer smallint

        set @work = @p1

        --Locate delimiter

        set @Pointer = charindex(',',@work,0)

        --Get parameter 1

        set @var1 = left(@work, @Pointer-1)

        set @work = substring(@work,@Pointer+1,len(@work)-(@Pointer))

        --Get parameter 2

        set @Pointer = charindex(',',@work,0)

        set @var2 = left(@work, @Pointer-1)

        set @work = substring(@work,@Pointer+1,len(@work)-(@Pointer))

        --Get parameter 3

        set @Pointer = charindex(',',@work,0)

        set @var3 = left(@work, @Pointer-1)

        set @work = substring(@work,@Pointer+1,len(@work)-(@Pointer))

        --Get parameter 4

        set @Pointer = charindex(',',@work,0)

        set @var4 = left(@work, @Pointer-1)

        set @work = substring(@work,@Pointer+1,len(@work)-(@Pointer))

        --Get parameter 5

        set @Pointer = charindex(',',@work,0)

        set @var5 = left(@work, @Pointer-1)

        set @work = substring(@work,@Pointer+1,len(@work)-(@Pointer))

        --Get parameter 6

        set @Pointer = charindex(',',@work,0)

        set @var6 = @work

        select @p1


        select @var1 Field1, @var2 Field2, @var3 Field3, @var4 Field4, @var5 Field5, @var6 Field6

    --Run the SP passing some data

    exec proc_test 'aaaaaa,bb,ccc,dddd,eeeee,ffffff'

    This is easy to modify for additional parameters by moving the last parse to the end and adding parses in the middle for each added parameter.

    Hope that helps.

  • To add some samples that you can choose from.

    This is a user defined function that I use to return a table of parameters passed in a parameter string.  Lets say you are concatenating a list of form data from a web page where you take the user's First Name, Last Name and email address. 

    your concatenated string looks like this: John,Doe,

    Once you've installed the userdefined function you can execute this:

    select * from dbo.fnParseParamString('John,Doe,',',')

    this returns

    iRowId      vcParameters        

    ----------- --------------------

    1           John

    2           Doe


    (3 row(s) affected)

    now, since you know Parameter 1 is the first name, and parameter 2 is the last name and parameter 3 is the email address you can do something like this:

    select vcParameter from dbo.fnParseParamString('John,Doe,',',') where iRowId = 3

    which returns the email address portion of the parameter string



    (1 row(s) affected)




    IF EXISTS(Select * from sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N'fnParseParamString'))

     DROP FUNCTION fnParseParamString


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnParseParamString (@ParamString VARCHAR(255),@Delimeter VARCHAR(1))

     RETURNS @tblParams TABLE(iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),vcParameters VARCHAR(20))




      DECLARE @vcParameter VARCHAR(20)


      DECLARE @iStart INT

      DECLARE @iEnd INT

      DECLARE @iLength INT


      SET @iStart = 0

      SET @iEnd = len(@ParamString)


      WHILE @iEnd <> 0


       SET @iEnd = CHARINDEX(@Delimeter,@ParamString,@iStart)

       SET @iLength = @iEnd - @iStart

       IF @iLength < 0

        SET @iLength = len(@ParamString)


       SET @vcParameter = SUBSTRING(@ParamString,@iStart,@iLength)


       INSERT INTO @tblParams Select @vcParameter


       SET @iStart = @iEnd+1







  • One small piece of advice. while loops, cursors and UDFs may perform poorly for large record counts because the query optimizer cannot treat them with set operations. If performance is a priority and you have large record sets, you should parse the code without loops or UDFs.

  • Thanks guys. I think the table-valued function is probably the way to go.

    I conclude then that using an IN clause (in the sproc) is out of the question?!

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