What happens if you have both 2000 and 2005 installed on the same machine?

  • In that case, which version does it defualt to when an application is accessing a database? When i link a database to sql server 2k5, sql server 2000 seems to automatically picks it up also. Im trying to test some triggers and scrips to see if they would still work under 2k5 but im not sure which version of sql server the application is linked to.

  • Its not a question of which one it defaults to.  When installing the second one, you probably installed it as a Named Instance.  If you didn't install one has  named instance, you probably upgraded the 2000 to 2005.  To access the named instance it would be machinename\instancename.  If you just connect to the server as the machinename you are connecting to the main instance, which is probably the first one you installed (my guess 2000).  One thing you can do in a query window to check is do a SELECT @@VERSION.

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