how to move data

  • Hi

    I have different people assigned to two same contracts (ex: 70 in contract1 and 50 in contract2 where contract1 and contract 2 are the same!) and i want to bring all people under one contract and delete the duplicate contract.

    How do you move data around to achieve this task in sql?



  • Please post table definition, sample data and expected output.



    The below 3 sql statements give the contracts and the people under those contracts.

    1: The first statement gives the work contracts for the grade '310110' which contains two same contracts ('NCLA Galley') with different ids (which are the PWC_ID values).

    2: The second statement gives out the people which are under one of the PWC_IDs (which is a INHERITED_PWC_ID)

    3: The third statement is the same as above.

    The problem is there are different people under those two contracts (50 in one and 30 in the other). I want to bring all the people under one contract and eliminate the other one (which is unnecessary).





    from aView_PERSON_W_C

    Inner Join aView_PERSON_W_C parent_w_c on  aView_PERSON_W_C.INHERITED_PWC_ID=Parent_W_C.PWC_ID

    where aview_person_w_c.WC_ABSTRACT_TYPE='Grade' and (aview_person_w_c.GRADE_SHT_TITLE in ('310110'))

    2: set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

    select special_person_w_c.PWC_ID,special_grade.displayText as Grade,

    isnull(Title_rank,'')+' '+ isnull(Initials,'') + ' ' + Surname as Name ,


    from special_person_w_c

    Left Join AVIEW_PERSON on special_person_w_c.ID_NUMBER=AVIEW_PERSON.ID_NUMBER

    Left Join special_GRADE on special_person_w_c.GRADE_SHT_TITLE=special_GRADE.GRADE_SHT_TITLE 


    where ( special_person_w_c.INHERITED_PWC_ID ='005072.2004318025210380.053')

    set transaction isolation level read committed

    3: set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

    select special_person_w_c.PWC_ID,special_grade.displayText as Grade,

    isnull(Title_rank,'')+' '+ isnull(Initials,'') + ' ' + Surname as Name ,


    from special_person_w_c

    Left Join AVIEW_PERSON on special_person_w_c.ID_NUMBER=AVIEW_PERSON.ID_NUMBER

    Left Join special_GRADE on special_person_w_c.GRADE_SHT_TITLE=special_GRADE.GRADE_SHT_TITLE      

    where ( special_person_w_c.INHERITED_PWC_ID ='003134.2005140255590420.118')

    set transaction isolation level read committed



  • someone pls help!!!!!!

    do i have to use insert ... select?



  • step 1: create a mirror table with NO key.

    step 2: insert distinct records into new table


    SELECT DISTINCT key1, f2, f3

    FROM t1

    step 3: query to find dupes/repeats with conflicting data

    SELECT key1

    FROM t2

    HAVING count(*) > 1

    GROUP BY key1

    step 4: work the data

    if there are too many conflicts, come back and we'll discuss different methods of chosing one record per key.

  • Just a quick blurb on the sql

    select min(key1), person_id, 'contract1_id', ...yada...

    INTO #t2 --(from above)

    FROM contract_connect_table

    where contract_id in ('contract1_id', 'contract2_id')


    Delete from contract_connect_table


    insert into contract_connect_table

    select * from #t2

  • Try something like this:


    declare @Contract table (ContractID int, ContractName varchar(255))

    insert @Contract values (1, 'NCLA Galley')

    insert @Contract values (2, 'NCLA Galley')

    insert @Contract values (3, 'Some Other Contract')

    declare @Person table (PersonID int, PersonName varchar(255), ContractID int)

    insert @Person values (1, 'Jeff', 1)

    insert @Person values (2, 'Ed', 1)

    insert @Person values (3, 'Pete', 2)

    insert @Person values (4, 'Dave', 3)

    update p

    set p.ContractID = new.ContractID

    from @Person p

    inner join @Contract c

    on p.ContractID = c.ContractID

    inner join (select  p.ContractName, min(p.contractID) ContractID

                from @Contract p

                inner join @Contract s

                on p.ContractName = s.ContractName and p.ContractID <> s.ContractID

                group by p.ContractName) new

    on c.ContractName = new.ContractName

    delete c

    from @Contract c

    inner join (select  p.ContractName, min(p.contractID) ContractID

                from @Contract p

                inner join @Contract s

                on p.ContractName = s.ContractName and p.ContractID <> s.ContractID

                group by p.ContractName) new

    on c.ContractName = new.ContractName and c.ContractID <> new.ContractID

    select * from @Contract

    select * from @Person

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