wizard to generate diagrams of table relationships via public/private keys and sprocs


    i have just come to a new job and new databases. there are no diagrams for a rather large database. is there functionality to allow diagrams to be created on what tables are linked by:


    1) a speicifc sproc? i know that there are many tables, that although not linked by private and public keys, are still linked through a sproc. can i create a diagram based on a specific sproc??


    2) the whole database. can a diagram be generated based on the actual links between tables??


    if sql server 2005 does not allow this, are there any 3rd party tools that will allow this??

  • hi

    you can use microsoft visio for this purpose

    create DSN( datasource name) for ur database

    open the visio

    click on file--> new-->database-->database diagram metric

    then click on database--> reverse engineer..

    select microsoft sql server and select the dsn and follow the steps

    and in the final page select the option button yes add shapes to the current page

    and click finish

    this will draw all the database tables and there relationships for you

    best regards


  • i have done this, and although it adds the tables to the diagram, i dont get any relationships showing up. i have looked around but can find no setting to show relationships. could i be missing something?

  • Wellll...


    If they dont show up in Visio (Or inside SQL when you add a table to the diagram) then yo are missing one thin

    The relationship itself. Be prepared for a lot of orfant data... Man I hate "Designs" like this... (Quote from moron designer of the DB: "Those relationships will only cost us performance....")

    I have a lot of junk Data in that DB that could not be there if there where some relationships... And some of that junk is evil! 

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