• When a stored procedure is created, the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and SET ANSI_NULLS settings are captured and used for subsequent executions of that stored procedure.

    Does anyone know where SQL Server stores what QUOTED_IDENTITFIER and ANSI_NULLS settings were used when the procedure was created?

    I can't see it in syscomments or sysobejcts (unless it's one of the undocumented columns in sysobejcts) but it must be stored somewhere because when you script and object it will also script the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and ANSI_NULLS settings that were used when the proc was created.


  • Run

    select * from sysobjects where type='p' and status & 536870912 > 0

    to find out which procedures are compiled with ansi_nulls on. I don't know about quoted_identifier, but that's probably in the same column... Test it and let us know what you find out

  • Select objectproperty(object_id('ObjectName'), 'IsQuotedIdentOn') as QuotedIdentifier, objectproperty(object_id('ObjectName'), 'IsAnsiNullsOn') as AnsiNulls

  • That's perfect Remi. 

    Exactly what I wanted.   I use the objectproperty function quite a bit and I didn't even think to look there

    Thanks for the suggestion Jesper.  It makes sense that it's in the status column of sysobjects.  The objectproperty function does the job though - and there's no telling whether they will change the status column in future releases.


  • I agree with you (Remi is normally right ), I just didn't know you could use objectproperty.

  • Glab to be right for once .

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