Date formatting problem

  • I have two columns in table1 defined as:

    col_mm_no smallint

    col_yr_no smallint

    The value of col_mm_no = 5

    The value of col_yr_no smallint = 2005

    I need to form a date out of these two columns using a default day of '01'.

    Here's what I have so far:

    select Convert(varchar(2),col_mm_no)+ '01' + Cast(col_yr_no as char(4)) as newdate

    from table1

    This is returning 5012005.

    What I want it to return is 05/01/2005 in a datetime format.

    How do I do this?


  • Hello LS,

    Can you try this:

    select Convert(varchar(2),col_mm_no)+ '/' + '01' + '/' + Cast(col_yr_no as char(4)) as newdate from table1


    select Convert(varchar(2),col_mm_no)+ '/01/' + Cast(col_yr_no as char(4)) as newdate from table1


  • Lucky, thanks for the reply.  The problem is that I'm returning '5' when I really want '05'.


  • print substring(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),2),4,2)+'/'+substring(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),2),7,2)+'/'+substring(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),2),1,2)

    Mathew J Kulangara

  • DATEADD(mm, 5, DATEADD(YY, 2005-1900, 0))

    Than format this datetime value in a stile you want. See CAST in BOL.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • should be DATEADD(month, 5 - 1, DATEADD(year, 2005-1900, 0))

    as DATEADD(year, 2005-1900, 0) will return 2005-01-01. Adding 5 months will make it 2005-06-01


    hi ls,

    you can use this,

    declare @mm_month int

    set @mm_month=5

    select len(@mm_month),str(@mm_month,2)

    select cast(replace(str(@mm_month,2),' ','0') as varchar(2)) + '/' + '01' + '/' + cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4))


    you will get your answer!!!



  • Why not something as simple as:


    DECLARE @col_mm_no smallint,

      @col_yr_no smallint,

      @dtDate  datetime

    SET @col_mm_no = 5

    SET @col_yr_no = 2005

    SET @dtDate = CAST(@col_mm_no AS CHAR) + '/1/' + CAST(@col_yr_no AS CHAR)

    SELECT @dtDate



    2005-05-01 00:00:00.000

    Which is in datetime format.  Let the machine do the implied datatype conversion.


  • If you want the result in varchar then

    CAST((@col_yr_no*10000)+(@col_mm_no*100)+1 as varchar)


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • This works if you need it as a character string

    declare @col_mm_no smallint

    declare @col_yr_no smallint

    select @col_mm_no = 5,

           @col_yr_no = 2005

    select right('0' + cast(@col_mm_no as varchar), 2) + '/01/'  + cast(@col_yr_no as varchar)

  • Here's three more variations:


    convert(varchar, cast(cast(col_yr_no as varchar) + '-' + cast(col_mm_no as varchar) + '-01' as datetime), 101)

    select convert(varchar, cast(stuff(cast(col_yr_no * 100 + col_mm_no as varchar),5,0,'-') + '-01' as datetime), 101)

    select stuff(replace(str(10000 * col_mm_no + col_yr_no, 6), ' ', '0'), 3, 0, '/01/')

  • Somebody call PETA, this poor kitty's has been skinned plenty!   


  • Thanks to all for the replies!

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