Strange Errors

  • Hi All

    I'm facing a peculiar problems for the past few days. First of all while executing a few procedures a error came

    Could not open FCB for invalid file ID 59136 in database 'AACleansing'.   55

    Process ID:  1468


    After sometime this it satrted giving this error when running any query through query analyser and also o the softwares which were running.

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Connection Check For Data (Checkfordata())

    After this the server came in a hang mode and we had restart the server.

    Then after this when I ran the DBCC CHECKDB it never gave any consistency errors.

    Now after one day when I again ran the DBCC commands it gave errors for a few databases so I ran dbbcc checckdb repair option and there were no errors.

    But today again it started giving all the above errors again.I'm not able understand what is the problem.Why it is giving these errors.Also when I look SQL server log then I find these messages


    SQL Server Assertion: File: <recbase.cpp>, line=1374

    Failed Assertion = 'm_nVars > 0'.

    Stack Signature for the dump is 0x527867E3

    Any help would really be appreciable.




    • What is SQL Build you are using? (SP3, SP4)
    • OS is Windows 2003 with no service pack?
    • Please paste the stack which is getting generated.
    • Check for hardware errors in system log (most possible cause).


  • Hi

    • SP3a
    • Windows 2000 with service pack 4

    How do I get the stack..

    There are no hardware errors in the system log.

  • Does this apply to your situation >;en-us;Q276043

  • Hi

    No this does not applies to my case.We do not have text and image data..

  • there must be a .txt file generated in the log folder. Please paste the content of that file

  • Hi

    Some dlls had also got corrupted and due to this backup was also not working. So we had reinstalled the sql server.

    But still there is one problem.


    The could Not Open FCB problem is still coming.,

    The error message is

    Could not open FCB for invalid file ID 48 in database 'aacleansing'..

    What could be the possible reason for this. When I run DBCC Checkd db it gave no allocation or consistency errors.

  • Hi

    Could anyone please let me know the cause of this error and how to exactly trap it.

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