Date picker for parameter

  • I recently set up a Report Services server with SQL 2000 for evaluation. I built a few test reports and published them on the server.

    My problem is with the parameters: I set up a report to display results between 2 date fields (i.e. all orders between the given dates). When I publish the report, the two parameter fields show up as two text-input fields.

    Is there any way I can get the server to use a date picker for these fields? I would think it would only be some simple JavaScript. When I look on the server, I notice that the report parameters are all set to the "String" Date Type.

  • For SQL 2000, if the default parameter entry doesn't meet your needs the only option is to build a custom front-end for parameter input.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Ahhh... I was wondering if this would be the case.

    When you say I would need a custom front-end, are you talking to the report itself or the entire "Report Services" web front-end? Is there a way to just edit the report's xml to handle the parameters?

    It's getting obvious that I'm starting to get under the hood with this stuff. Is there a good book you would recommend that goes beyond the typical report wizard?

    Thanks for your time...

  • What Phil means is that you need to buld a web page for the report that when you click "Submit" calls the reporting services report directly, bypassing the default reporting services interface.  YOu can find how to do this in RS BOL under

    URL Access.

  • A custom front end to the Reporting Service Web Service:

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