How can I get an Excel export to look like ordinary cells?

  • Can anyone tell me how to format a Reporting Services report so that, when exported to Excel, it comes out in the normal cell format?

    The report is just one row of textbox column headers plus data rows of textboxes for each column.

    Currently the Excel output looks like the report - like a sheet of white paper with no cell boxes. I want the cell boxes like a normal worksheet.

    Thanks for any assistance!

  • Best I've come up with is to put borders on the table in the report design. Make sure you use the thinnest line possible, otherwise you'll end up with huge black borders in Excel.

    Also, you might have already discovered this "feature", make sure you take extra care in lining up objects on the report, otherwise you'll get a mish-mash of hidden and merged cells.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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