INSERT INTO... EXEC() against linked server

  • Hello!
     I am having problem executing dynamic queries against linked server. Below is a code sample example I trying to execute:
    create table #tmp

    (name varchar(255)


    insert into #tmp (name) select top 9 name from [LinkedServer].master.dbo.sysobjects -- works
    insert into #tmp (name) exec('select top 9 name from [SAVVIS-Reporter].master.dbo.sysobjects') -- doesn't work
    I am getting following error message:
    Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]

    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

    Linked server name is supposed to be supplied through parameter.
    I am not sure why EXEC() wouldn't work against linked server while executing statement itself  works.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • I've never tried insert and exec() in one statement before. But I think the problem is you're missing a 'select' statement.

    insert into #tmp (name) exec('select top 9 name from [SAVVIS-Reporter].master.dbo.sysobjects') -- doesn't work

    which looks something like this:

    insert into #tmp






  • I figured out this problem. I had to enable MSDTC network access ,open port 135 and program msdtc.exe in Firewall on linked SQL Server (Windows 2003 SP1/SQL Server 2000 SP3a). Once I have done that, everything worked fine.



  • Igor, my apology the query below should work. It was my bad I didn't drill deep enough.

    insert into #tmp (name) exec('select top 9 name from [SAVVIS-Reporter].master.dbo.sysobjects')


    Just one question, why  don't you want to use this query (without the exec()) ? It would be much more simpler. Unless you want to put a string variable inside the exec().

    insert into #tmp (name) select top 9 name from [LinkedServer].master.dbo.sysobjects -- works

  • You are right,the reason why I am using dynamic string is because name of linked server supplied as a parameter to the stored procedure.




  • Assuming Distributed Transaction Controller service is running on both machines, there still may be configuration issues.  Permissions may be denied at various stages, such as a firewall blocking port 135 or MSDTC service is not allowed to do network transactions.

    Look up Microsoft articles 873160 and/or 839279 for more details.

  • Thanks,Scott. Firewall was the reason. I have already posted my reply above



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