problem with a view, its not bring back rows with null in it

  • hi,

    i have a view that brings back the history of bookings from a table. 2 columns in the table allow for null entries to be entered (the null specifies they have no preference with this column), the trouble is the view will only show a row if BOTH of these values are NOT null.

    This is causing me a lot of grief at the moment because half of the data is not being returned!

    to illustrate the setup i have a have uploaded this picture of the view...

    the columns that can be null are dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyID and dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ClientID. is there anyway at all i can alter the code to allow for nulls to show in the view?

    many thanks,


    SELECT dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyID, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyBookingNumber, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ClientID,

    dbo.BEN_CLIENT.ClientName, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultantID, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANT.ConsultantName,

    dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyTypeID, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY_TYPE.ConsultancyTypeName, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyLevel,

    dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyDate, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.ConsultancyStateID, dbo.BEN_CONSULTANCY.TimeAndDate





  • Hi Ben,

    Try using 'left outer join' instead of 'inner join'...

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Hi Ben,


    I solved this problem by using the isnull function

    JOIN... ON ISNULL(table1.nullable_ID, 0) = ISNULL(dbo.table2.nullable_ID, 0)

    Hope this helps


  • Pieter - Why would you do that rather than simply a left outer join?

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Hi Ryan,

    In my particular case i am actually using left outer join, but have two IDs to join too, one PK, and another a nullable FK.  So the join would actually look more like..

    FROM         dbo.Claim_Items LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents ON dbo.Claim_Items.MaintChargeItem_ID = dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents.MaintChargeItem_ID AND

                          ISNULL(dbo.Claim_Items.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) = ISNULL(dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0)

    If i left out the ISNULL then all records where the nullable FK was null did not return. If you have a better way please let me know



  • Pieter,

    I can't get my head around it without some sample data, but surely if you use a full outer join and no where clause, nothing will be left out? Is that not right?

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Hi Ryan,

    Without going in to much detail...

    Got claim item that have security events, maintenance events, lessor contributions and contract securities. They all have the same grouping of FK (not nullable) and FK (with FK nullable), as well as individual PK's to join with claim items.  The full join statement is below, i just cut off the select.

    FROM         dbo.Claim_Items LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents ON dbo.Claim_Items.MaintChargeItem_ID = dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents.MaintChargeItem_ID AND

                          ISNULL(dbo.Claim_Items.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) = ISNULL(dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) AND

                          dbo.Claim_Items.SecurityObligation_ID = dbo.vClaimSecurityEvents.SecurityObligation_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.vClaimMREvents ON ISNULL(dbo.Claim_Items.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) = ISNULL(dbo.vClaimMREvents.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) AND

                          dbo.Claim_Items.MaintChargeItem_ID = dbo.vClaimMREvents.MaintChargeItem_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.vClaimLCEvents ON ISNULL(dbo.Claim_Items.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) = ISNULL(dbo.vClaimLCEvents.MaintRateSplit_ID, 0) AND

                          dbo.Claim_Items.MaintChargeItem_ID = dbo.vClaimLCEvents.MaintChargeItem_ID AND

                          dbo.Claim_Items.Contribution_ID = dbo.vClaimLCEvents.Contribution_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.vClaimSecurityContract ON dbo.Claim_Items.SecurityObligation_ID = dbo.vClaimSecurityContract.SecurityObligation_ID

    If I am understanding you correctly you are saying I should be able to do this with only a full outer join and not the left outer joins??  How can I then link the rows in Claim_Items with their corresponding records in the joined views?



  • Pieter - As I say, I can't get my head around your situation without some sample data. I guess if it's working for you, then don't worry. 

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Using FULL JOIN will include rows where the join field is NULL, but they will be in different records.  Assuming tables A and B are joined on field XYZ and both tables have exactly one record where XYZ = NULL, the FULL JOIN will return:

    A.F1, A.F2, ..., NULL, NULL, ...

    NULL, NULL, ..., B.F1, B.F2, ...

    whereas if you join with ON ISNULL(A.XYZ, 0) = ISNULL(B.XYZ,0) you'll get one record.

    If there are multiple records with NULLs in the source table join columns they'll be cross joined, and the ISNULL function will interfere with using indexes, but if that's what you want then that's the way to do it.

  • used RyanRandall's suggestion and it worked great!


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