SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatiblity?

  • I have an existing application, written in VB, that uses the SQL 2000 DTS object model to create DTS Packages. Is there any chance that this would work on a SQL 2005 Server with backward compatibility installed? I don't hold much hope to be honest.


    Dick Campbell

  • The DTS runtime is distributed with SSIS. There is an Execute Package2000 Task in SSIS that allows you to execute DTS2000 packages. I think you can execute DTS2000 packages from SSMS as well.

    Additionally, Microsoft released a resource pack in November that included a DTS2000 packaged editor that lives in SS2005. I haven't used it so can't tell you much about it. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=d09c1d60-a13c-4479-9b91-9e8b9d835cdc&displaylang=en



  • Thanks,

    Programmers have been looking into it today. They were initially skeptical but are beginning to think that it will work. Apparently you can't do it on SQL Express, it be at least Standard Edition (or what ever it is called now).

    Best regards,

    Dick Campbell

  • It may depend on what you mean by "work on a SQL 2005 Server".  If you mean the program will run on the same client it is now but the connection will be changed to a new SQL 2005 server, it will probably work for vanilla transform tasks and Execute SQL tasks.  I wouldn't expect tasks like Send Mail or Message Queue or Transfer Logins to work.

    If you want to upgrade your program to dynamically build an SSIS package instead, see the "Building Packages Programatically" topic in Books Online.  In the Dec 2005 version the link is ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/dtsref9/html/d0953cbc-83c7-4b5a-bb11-c6f571b21dd5.htm

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