What would you do?

  • I have a friend, (who shall remain nameless) that knows quite a bit about me - I guess we met.  This friend is having an excellent time taunting me by dropping names and jobs from my past. 

    I have tried a Google search on this friend, but to no avail....  It is driving me nuts and I know this friend is enjoying my struggle...  

    Any suggestions as to a better method to try and search for information on this friend?  (This friend is a well know SCC user). 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Hey farrell - haven't "seen" you in these here parts for a long time....been busy?!?!

    As for this post of yours - it's the strangest thing - how can you have a "friend" & not know anything about him or who he is... - besides in my book "friend" & "taunting" don't go together...my advice to you would be to just ignore the taunts and move on....Life is too short to waste on people like these....

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • An online friend? Here or somewhere else?

    Google is slowly falling under the weight of itself and seems to not pull through as many relevant searches as it used to. I might try some of the other search engines, maybe change around the terms you are using.

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