Preventing Return Values from Nested SPs.

  • In the SP below I call an existing SP within the main SP to assign a FY to a variable with I use in other places in the Main SP. However when I execute the SP the return value from the nested SP is include in the return results.  Is there anyway to prevent this?




    DECLARE @FY as smallint

         --*** Call FY SP and Assign to FY

         exec @FY = fn_ProjectsGetCurrentFY


         IF @MTF_Key >0


              SELECT Project_Num

              FROM tblProjects P, tblOrgs O

              WHERE @Mtf_Key = O.Org_Key

                  AND O.Org_Name = P.MTF

                  AND (p.Priority_FY is null OR P.Priority_Fy = @FY)









  • A few things come to mind but those are all guesses. So if I'm wrong I'd like if you could post the whole code for all the objects that are part of this process.

    Are you using .net?? >> is set nocount on applied at the top of the main proc?

    have you tried Return 0 instead of just return (would be surprised if that was your problem)

  • I cannot get this to work yet, but I think this may be the approach.  The thing is, sp_executesql need ntext, nvarchar, nchar to work and I think the EXECUTE statment may be causing the problem.  I have tried CONVERT( nvarchar,...) in various locations, but I haven't had success. 

    Maybe Remi can see past my eyes...  Or maybe this is not the approach...  Good luck. 


    IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id( N'spGetInteger')

                   AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure')=1)

    DROP PROC spGetInteger





    SELECT 101


    DECLARE @FY datetime,

            @sql varchar(100)

    SET @sql = N'EXECUTE @OutPut = spGetInteger'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@OutPut nvarchar OUTPUT', @OutPut = @FY OUTPUT

    IF CONVERT( integer, @FY) = 101


              SELECT TOP 1 * FROM States



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • I've never had to use sp_executesql, so I wouldn't be of much help here .

  • I am using MS Access for the front end, but It also happens in the query builder as well. I do not have set nocount on, which is probably the problem. If I still have problems I will post the entire SP.




  • Let me repost the original problem again and be a little more descriptive this time.  I am going to have a lot of stored procedures that the Result Set will be used as a data source on the front end.  Many of the Result Sets will need to check a field (Priority_Fy) to see if matches the current fiscal year.  I decided the best approach would be to set up a Stored Procedure (fn_ProjectsGetCurrentFY) that returned the current fiscal year and set it to a variable (@FY) in the calling stored procedure.  This @FY variable will be used in the WHERE portion of the SQL that limits the Result Set (WHERE Priority_FY = @FY).  The Problem is that I get two Results Sets. One for the Current FY and the One I want.  How can I prevent the FY from being return in the calling Stored Procedure?  Is there a better way to do this?


    BTW SET NOCOUNT ON & RETURN(0) really didn't work for me.  



    Here is entire SP if it helps.



    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.pr_ProjectComboProjectCurrentRS

    (@MTF_Key smallint = 0,

    @RMC_Key smallint = 0)


    DECLARE @FY as smallint

           --*** Call FY SP and Assign to FY

           exec @FY = fn_ProjectsGetCurrentFY


           IF @MTF_Key >0


                  SELECT Project_Num

                  FROM tblProjects P, tblOrgs O

                  WHERE @Mtf_Key = O.Org_Key

                   AND O.Org_Name = P.MTF

                   AND (p.Priority_FY is null OR P.Priority_Fy = @FY)




           IF @RMC_Key >0


                  SELECT Project_Num

                  FROM tblProjects P, tblOrgs O

                  WHERE @RMC_Key = O.Org_Key

                   AND O.Org_Name = P.RMC

                   AND (p.Priority_FY is null OR P.Priority_Fy = @FY)




           SELECT Project_Num

           FROM tblProjects P

           WHERE p.Priority_FY is null OR P.Priority_Fy = @FY




    is the same as RETURN 0

    Do you mean that you get 2 results set instead of one?

  • Yes.

    The First Result Set = 2005

    The Second Result Set = 'Project1';'Project2';'Project_3';Etc

    When I assign a Record Set to the Stored Procedure it returns:2005 because it is the first Result Set,instead of the project list that I want.






  • Can you post the code you are using to call the sp along with the results?

  • Try declaring @FY as a table variable.  Then supply your @Variable with that value and it should not return the Fiscal Year value...  

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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