A stored proc to find objects in other stored procs

  • Does anyone know of a system stored proc that will check other stored pros for an object such as a table.  You pass the object name and the proc gives you a result set of all the stored procs that the object is in.  Say I'm looking a stored proc that uses table xyz.  I want to find that proc that populates tables xyz.



  • You could convert this to a sproc or use it as is...

    DECLARE @ObjectToFind VARCHAR(200)

    SET @ObjectToFind = 'PutNameOfObjectToFindHere'



       FROM dbo.SysObjects so,

            dbo.SysComments sc

      WHERE sc.Text LIKE '%' + @ObjectToFind + '%'


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
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    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • you can use the following system stored procedure :

    sp_depends 'objectname'

    You will get all the objects which depend on that object.Hope it will be useful to u...



  • Great idea... a word of caution, though.  I've found that sp_Depends will sometimes miss things... I believe that problem is also documented (somewhere) on this forum.  Not sure if they fixed it in sp4 on SQL Server 2000 but they may have.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • This isn't really what you asked for but it searchs for text and I use it to look for tables in SPs:


    declare @s varchar(255)

    set @s-2 = 'Text to Search Here'

    DECLARE @msg varchar(255) ,

      @ul varchar(255)

    select @s-2='%' + @s-2 + '%'

    select 'SP Name'=upper(o.name),

      Seq=colid ,

      'SP Line'=substring(text,patindex(@s,text)-5, 30)

    from syscomments c ,

      sysobjects o

    where o.id=c.id

    and  patindex(@s,text) > 0

    order by name

    SELECT @msg='* Stored procedures containing string "' + @s-2 + '=' +

    convert(varchar(8),@@rowcount) + ' *'

    SELECT @ul=replicate('*',datalength(@msg))

    Print ' '

    PRINT @ul

    PRINT @msg

    Print @ul


  • /*

    To my knowledge there is no System stored procedure to serve your purpose. However you can rely on sysdepends for dependant objects, if you have updated statistics.

    This was a requirement in my work as well. So I use the following stored procedure to achieve the above



    CREATE proc SyscommentText_ObjectName 

        @pObjName varchar(200)     




        declare @vObjName varchar(210) ,     

                @vDynamicSQL nvarchar(255)     


        select @vObjName = '%' + @pObjName + '%'     


        select @vDynamicSQL = 'select distinct name from (     

        select object_name(id) name from syscomments      

        where text like ' + '''' + @vObjName + '''' + ' ) as a     

        order by name'     


        exec sp_executesql @vDynamicSQL      



    /* Run the above SP, with the table/sp as parameter as follows */

    use pubs


    execute SyscommentText_ObjectName 'authors'

    Hope this helps

    Kindest Regards,


  • Note:  Text can be split across rows in syscomments.

    Here is a Stored Procedure from one of the first issues of SQL Server Professional, I think.


    Provided "as is":


    /* sp_grep   v1.0 03/16/1995, v1.1 10/26/1995

    ** Author:   Andrew Zanevsky, AZ Databases, Inc.

    ** Internet: 71232.3446@compuserve.com */

    CREATE proc sp_grep @parameter varchar(255) = null, @case char(1) = 'i'


    /* Note:  @case parameter default changed from 's' to 'i'

       to support default case-insensitive comparision,

              as practiced at TRS.


    SET NOCOUNT ON   -- PVP - Disable interim communication with caller.

    SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER  OFF -- PVP - Added for v7 ANSI compatability.

    declare @str_no          tinyint,

            @msg_str_no      varchar(3),

            @operation       char(1),

            @string          varchar(80),

            @oper_pos        smallint,

            @context         varchar(255),

            @i               tinyint,

            @longest         tinyint,

            @msg             varchar(255)

    if @parameter is null /* provide instructions */


        print 'Execute sp_grep "{string1}operation1{string2}operation2{string3}...", [case]'

        print '- stringN is a string of characters up to 80 characters long, '

        print '  enclosed in curly brackets. Brackets may be omitted if stringN '

        print '  does not contain leading and trailing spaces or characters: +,-,&.'

        print '- operationN is one of the characters: +,-,&. Interpreted as or,minus,and.'

        print '  Operations are executed from left to right with no priorities.'

        print '- case: specify "i" for case insensitive comparison.'

        print 'E.g. sp_grep "alpha+{beta gamma}-{delta}&{+++}"'

        print '     will search for all objects that have an occurence of string "alpha"'

        print '     or string "beta gamma", do not have string "delta", '

        print '     and have string "+++".'



    /* Check for <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters */

    if charindex(char(10), @parameter) > 0 or charindex(char(13), @parameter) > 0


        print 'Parameter string may not contain <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters.'



    if lower(@case) = 'i'

            select  @parameter = lower(ltrim(rtrim(@parameter)))


            select  @parameter = ltrim(rtrim(@parameter))

    create table #search (str_no tinyint, operation char(1), string varchar(80), last_obj int)

    create table #found_objects (id int, str_no tinyint)

    create table #result (id int)

    /* Parse the parameter string */

    select @str_no = 0

    while datalength(@parameter) > 0


      /* Get operation */

      select @str_no = @str_no + 1, @msg_str_no = rtrim(convert(char(3), @str_no + 1))

      if @str_no = 1

        select  @operation = '+'



        if substring(@parameter, 1, 1) in ('+', '-', '&')

            select  @operation = substring(@parameter, 1, 1),

                    @parameter = ltrim(right(@parameter, datalength(@parameter) - 1))



            select @context = rtrim(substring(@parameter + space(255 - datalength(@parameter)), 1, 20))

            select @msg = 'Incorrect or missing operation sign before "' + @context + '".'

            print  @msg

            select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.'

            print  @msg




      /* Get string */

      if datalength(@parameter) = 0


          print 'Missing search string at the end of the parameter.'

          select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.'

          print  @msg



      if substring(@parameter, 1, 1) = '{'


          if charindex('}', @parameter) = 0


              select @context = rtrim(substring(@parameter + space(255 - datalength(@parameter)), 1, 200))

              select @msg = 'Bracket not closed after "' + @context + '".'

              print  @msg

              select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.'

              print  @msg



          if charindex('}', @parameter) > 82


              select @context = rtrim(substring(@parameter + space(255 - datalength(@parameter)), 2, 20))

              select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is longer than 80 characters.'

              print  @msg

              select @msg = 'String begins with "' + @context + '".'

              print  @msg



          select  @string    = substring(@parameter, 2, charindex('}', @parameter) - 2),

                  @parameter = ltrim(right(@parameter,

                                  datalength(@parameter) - charindex('}', @parameter)))




          /* Find the first operation sign */

          select @oper_pos = datalength(@parameter) + 1

          if charindex('+', @parameter) between 1 and @oper_pos

              select @oper_pos = charindex('+', @parameter)

          if charindex('-', @parameter) between 1 and @oper_pos

              select @oper_pos = charindex('-', @parameter)

          if charindex('&', @parameter) between 1 and @oper_pos

              select @oper_pos = charindex('&', @parameter)

          if @oper_pos = 1


              select @context = rtrim(substring(@parameter + space(255 - datalength(@parameter)), 1, 20))

              select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no +

                            ' is missing, before "' + @context + '".'

              print  @msg



          if @oper_pos > 81


              select @context = rtrim(substring(@parameter + space(255 - datalength(@parameter)), 1, 20))

              select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is longer than 80 characters.'

              print  @msg

              select @msg = 'String begins with "' + @context + '".'

              print  @msg



          select  @string    = substring(@parameter, 1, @oper_pos - 1),

                  @parameter = ltrim(right(@parameter,

                                  datalength(@parameter) - @oper_pos + 1))


      insert #search values (@str_no, @operation, @string, 0)


    select @longest = max(datalength(string)) - 1

    from   #search

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

    /* Search for strings */

    if @case = 'i'


        insert #found_objects

        select a.id, c.str_no

        from   syscomments a, #search c

        where  charindex(c.string, lower(a.text)) > 0

        insert #found_objects

        select a.id, c.str_no

        from   syscomments a, syscomments b, #search c

        where  a.id        = b.id

        and    a.number    = b.number

        and    a.colid + 1 = b.colid

        and    charindex(c.string,

                    lower(right(a.text, @longest) +

    /*                     space(255 - datalength(a.text)) +*/

                           substring(b.text, 1, @longest))) > 0




        insert #found_objects

        select a.id, c.str_no

        from   syscomments a, #search c

        where  charindex(c.string, a.text) > 0

        insert #found_objects

        select a.id, c.str_no

        from   syscomments a, syscomments b, #search c

        where  a.id        = b.id

        and    a.number    = b.number

        and    a.colid + 1 = b.colid

        and    charindex(c.string,

                    right(a.text, @longest) +

    /*              space(255 - datalength(a.text)) +*/

                    substring(b.text, 1, @longest)) > 0


    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

    select distinct str_no, id into #dist_objects from #found_objects

    create unique clustered index obj on #dist_objects  (str_no, id)

    /* Apply one operation at a time */

    select @i = 0

    while @i < @str_no


        select @i = @i + 1

        select @operation = operation from #search where str_no = @i

        if @operation = '+'

            insert #result

            select id

            from   #dist_objects

            where  str_no = @i

        else if @operation = '-'

            delete #result

            from   #result a, #dist_objects b

            where  b.str_no = @i

            and    a.id = b.id

        else if @operation = '&'

            delete #result

            where  not exists

                    (select 1

                      from   #dist_objects b

                      where  b.str_no = @i

                      and    b.id = #result.id)


    /* Select results */

    select distinct id into #dist_result from #result

    /* The following select has been borrowed from the sp_help

    ** system stored procedure, and modified. */

    SET NOCOUNT OFF  -- PVP Display RowsAffected.

    select  DISTINCT -- PVP Trim displayed list.

     Name        = o.name,

            /* Remove 'convert(char(15)' in the following line

            ** if user names on your server are longer. */

            Owner       = convert(char(15), user_name(uid)),

            Object_type = substring(v.name + x.name, 1, 16)

    from    #dist_result           d,

            sysobjects             o,

            master.dbo.spt_values  v,

            master.dbo.spt_values  x

    where   d.id = o.id

    /* SQL Server version 6.x uses 15, prior versions use 7 in expression below */

    and     o.sysstat & (7 + 8 * sign(charindex('6.', @@version))) = v.number

    and     v.type = 'O'

    and     x.type = 'R'

    and     o.userstat & -32768 = x.number

    order by Object_type    , Name   





  • Jeff... Thanks, the above code is what I'm looking for.  I added to the where clause to check for the type of object I'm looking for (where type = 'P').


  • List any Object In Any Database On Server:


  • You bet, Charles.  Thank you for the feedback.


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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